How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants??

My cat constantly chews the leaves on my plants inside or digs in the dirt in the planter and makes a mess. I'm not home during the day so the spray bottle doesn't work, does anyone have any other ideas?

    How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants??

    My cat constantly chews the leaves on my plants inside or digs in the dirt in the planter and makes a mess. I'm not home during the day so the spray bottle doesn't work, does anyone have any other ideas?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants??...

    • How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants??

      How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants?? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat constantly chews the leaves on my plants inside or digs in the dirt in the planter and makes a mess. I'm not home during the day so the spray bottle doesn't work, does anyone have any other ideas?

      How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants??

      How do I get my cat to stop eating my plants?? Other Pet Discussions
    • Poison the plant.No, seriously, there is some spray you can get at the pet store that makes plants taste horrible and the cat won't go near it, but it doesn't hurt the plant.

    • in a spray bottle mix up the following a little bit of red pepper flakes and garlic powder with some water. then spray this mix on the leaves, the next time it chews the leaves it will get spicy surprise.

    • There are things you can rub on the leaves to keep the cats off. I think Bitter Apple is one.....but do you really want to keep rubbing this stuff on your plant leaves? lol maybe for a while. That may not keep her out of the dirt. Perhaps for that you can get something to put on top of the dirt, something they won't like. Tin foil! You may have to resign yourself to not having real houseplants. Sophie and I have been having a contest of wills about it. I keep most of them on the dining room buffet. I told her she couldn't go up there. She said "yes I can." I ended up taping some saran wrap across the lower part of the opening, and that's worked out for me. So far. But I can see her little mind working.....Hope some of this helps! We must remain strong and unified in the face of these little hellions!

    • You can hang your plants off your porch railing, or from the ceiling. Or leave them outside in a porch area where the cat can't get at them.Also, there is a special kind of grass you can buy in the pet section of most department stores, that IS good for the cat to eat. Just punch a couple of holes in the container, put it on a saucer and add water. It should sprout within a few days. This grass will also help aid your cat's digestion.

    • Cats like to chew on grass from time to time because it aids with digestion, so what I've done for my"baby" is to make up her own planter of grass. I've just taken some plant soil and put it in a low pot and sowed some regular lawn seed in it and let it grow. After it has come up, I put it in my cat's special place (where her bed and feeding station) is located. she has left my plants alone every since. I just make sure the grass is watered and kept at an acceptable length.Since I've supplied her with what she apparently needs, she stopped digging in my plants also.