I have a deaf Shetland Sheepdog, I'm super nervous about getting him fixed! And I really want to know what are the Effects of getting him neutered!
What Are The Effects If I Get My Dog Neutered?
I have a deaf Shetland Sheepdog, I'm super nervous about getting him fixed! And I really want to know what are the Effects of getting him neutered!... General Dog Discussions : What Are The Effects If I Get My Dog Neutered?...
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Neutered dogs become less aggressive to other male dogs, chances of getting testicular cancer is nil, lesser chance of having prostate cancer and prostate enlargement. If neutering is done around 6 months of age, the male dog can grow taller as the hormones that stop the bone growth are lessened. They tend to become less active though later on in life so you have to exercise them regularly to avoid obesity (for the dog and the owner) : ))