How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog?

My girlfriend's mom is putting down her childhood dog due to old age and suffering and doesn't have the heart to tell her about it. We live 2 hours away now, and she loves the dog a lot. Her mom wants me to break the news to her, and I have no idea how.

    How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog?

    My girlfriend's mom is putting down her childhood dog due to old age and suffering and doesn't have the heart to tell her about it. We live 2 hours away now, and she loves the dog a lot. Her mom wants me to break the news to her, and I have no idea how....
    Other Pet Discussions : How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog?...

    • How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog?

      How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog? Other Pet Discussions
      My girlfriend's mom is putting down her childhood dog due to old age and suffering and doesn't have the heart to tell her about it. We live 2 hours away now, and she loves the dog a lot. Her mom wants me to break the news to her, and I have no idea how.

      How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog?

      How should I break the news to my girlfriend about her dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • Her mother should be the one to tell her. That should not be on your shoulders. If I was you, I would contact the mother and say you do not have the heart to tell her and she should do it. If she refuses, then be honest w/your girlfriend and be supportive during that difficult time for her.

    • It's her mom's job, not yours. So don't let it be your burden to tell her. Just make sure that after it happens, you call her so she can talk. Your job is to be a good friend and thus a good listener.But, however it happens, your friend must be allowed to say goodbye to her beloved pet--hold it and talk to it-- before it is put down.

    • That's really sad, and her mom put you in a sticky situation. In all fairness, her mom should be the one to tell her. But, as you said, she put this upon you. I guess really the only way to tell her is to sit her down, and be straight. Tell her her mom called about her dog. Explain to her why the dog is being put down, and that you're sorry.

    • Sit her down, get some ice cream ready (Lots.) and just tell her. Don't beat around the bush. Hold her hands and tell her. Then comfort her gently and buy her a new puppy. (New puppy optional.) I think that she may be more comfortable with you telling her. She could get extremely angry with her mother for making the decision.

    • it has to be done some time...and it is sad to lose an animal but everyone moves on.tell her that old pup is getting old.. and hes sufferingtell her that hed be better put down now because he would suffer much more. shell move on for sure.good luck!

    • Just tell her. My mom had my dog put down while I was at school. I came home, and called for him, and he didn't come. I went looking all around the house, and couldn't find him. I got a sick feeling, and when my mom came through the door with his collar and leash I broke down. I hated her for not letting me be with him when they put him down, and hated her even more for not staying by his side. I am still mad at her, and have yet to get over that. Your GF needs to know, and just tell her gently. There is no easy way to break this kind of news, but you need to tell her.

    • You know what, that is not your place to tell GF. Her mom should do it cuz it was their family dog and it is she who is deciding to put it to sleep not you. I think that mom is taking the easy way out and using you as a scapegoat. Phone mom and tell GF her mom has something to tell her and let her do it.

    • wat u do is buy her a new puppy....and tell her that if she truely cares about the dog she will put him out of suffering and pain...but before u put him or her down take lots of pics of the dog and make a reeeeaaalllyy nice scrapbook of the pictures and only pictures of the dog if u put pics of u or anyone or thing besides the dogs it will ruin it! trust me this works! my dad did this with my oldest sibling (sister) oh and get a puppy that is a different breed but is a breed she likes and make sure it doesnt look like the old dog....because it mite make her sad

    • I agree with everyone else, her mother should be the one to tell her. But, if you must be the one to do it, I think you should tell her ASAP. She definitely deserves to know and she will probably want to say her good-byes. I would sit down with her and tell her you think maybe TOGETHER you should go visit her mother. Then, begin to tell her her mother called and says (the dogs name) isn't doing so well. He is in bad condition and your mother thinks it's in his best interest to put him down, out of his misery. Tell her your very sorry and you know how much he means to her and that you'll be there for her. I hope I could help, Danielle

    • Your just gonna have to be straight forward and honest. She'll appreciate that when she calms down. You need to get her comfortable, don't do it too late tonight. Sit her down and let her know that you got a phone call from her mom today or whenever. Tell her that her mom and da, sisters and brothers if she has them are fine, but that her dog isn't doing well. Tell her that he/she hasn't been well and is suffering and in a lot of pain. Let her know that her parent's have discussed his/her condition with the vet and that they feel it would be best for the dog if he/she gets put down. Tell her you know it will be hard,but he or she shouldn't have to suffer. Print her a copy of a poem for her to read. It may help her to deal with the decision better. Good luck.This website has a few good poems you can look at and pick one for her to read. I personally like the rainbow bridge story. Good luck again!

    • Just be honest! The longer you wait the longer the doggie suffers. Just tell her like you would if one of her relatives died. I know she wouldnt want her dog to suffer than it already is.

    • Her mom should tell her. She's the one who owns the dog. You could be there when her mum tells her, to comfort your girlfriend, but it shouldn't be on your shoulders to tell her. I'm sure this will be very hard on her, and I think she'd rather hear it firsthand from her mom then have to hear it from you and know that even her mom didn't tell her. Tell her (or tell her mom to tell her) as soon as possible, so that it won't be such a huge shock when she finds out a day before he's put down, or something like that. Tell her ASAP so that she has time to be with the dog for as long as she wants until he is put down.If her mum absolutely refuses, just go over to her house, or have her come over to yours, sit down on a comfy sofa right next to her, and tell her, as gently as possible, that her childhood dog will have to be put down because of old age and because he is suffering too much. Be ready for lots of tears, and give her a shoulder to lean on. She may also get a bit angry, since her mum didn't tell her herself, but don't argue or defend her mom, don't anger your girlfriend even more. Just support her, and comfort her, until she's too tired to cry. She also may not cry at all. She may just be shocked, or it may not sink in to her brain until it actually happens. Whatever her response is, be as calm and as composed as you can be, so that she has someone to lean on.