How do you build your own bunny hutch?

I just bought a bunny and I would like to build him a hutch for when he is outside, but I dont have any plans, and I cant find any decent ones online. Does anyone know where i can find plans for a good hutch?PS for everyone who thinks that i am going to…

    How do you build your own bunny hutch?

    I just bought a bunny and I would like to build him a hutch for when he is outside, but I dont have any plans, and I cant find any decent ones online. Does anyone know where i can find plans for a good hutch?PS for everyone who thinks that i am going to…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you build your own bunny hutch?...

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    • How do you build your own bunny hutch?

      How do you build your own bunny hutch? Other Pet Discussions
      I just bought a bunny and I would like to build him a hutch for when he is outside, but I dont have any plans, and I cant find any decent ones online. Does anyone know where i can find plans for a good hutch?PS for everyone who thinks that i am going to keep my bunny outside WRONG... i just want a hutch outside so that when i am outside he can enjoy the nice weather with me... i dont intend to make him an outdoor bunny AT ALL!!!

      How do you build your own bunny hutch?

      How do you build your own bunny hutch? Other Pet Discussions
    • Please dont keep your bunny outside. Rabbits are very sensitive and they get over heated and dehydrated in minutes and can die for seemingly no reason. Please keep him inside. Best wishes

    • Any rabbit hutch or playpen to be used outdoors must have adequate shade provided, be constructed so that the rabbit cannot dig or climb his way out, and have a roof (so hawks, dogs, etc. cannot get him). The website below doesn't have plans perse, but it has an excellent article on the things that must be considered to keep your bunny both safe and happy while playing outside.

    • Please don't make your rabbit an outdoor pet. There are so many things that can go wrong. There are preadtors, injuries, flystrike, heat stroke, and hypothermia. You can litter box train your rabbit to poo. You can also teach it tricks.

    • Have a read of these sites' recommendations for cage sizes, supplies and security - they're helpful sites! Rabbits are excellent indoor pets, as you already know of course ... if you keep your bunn inside with you, he will become much closer to you and much more affectionate. It's also much safer for your bunn, and he will have a longer life inside with you. I've written an article on this - can also be toilet trained - I've written a small article on this too -!