How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard?

A couple of times, I have found cat poo on the concrete in my backyard. Are there some humane ways to get the neighborhood cats to go someplace else???

    How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard?

    A couple of times, I have found cat poo on the concrete in my backyard. Are there some humane ways to get the neighborhood cats to go someplace else???...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard?...

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    • How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard?

      How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard? Other Pet Discussions
      A couple of times, I have found cat poo on the concrete in my backyard. Are there some humane ways to get the neighborhood cats to go someplace else???

      How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard?

      How do I get the neighborhood cats to not do thier business in my yard? Other Pet Discussions
    • Cat traps and take them to the SPCA. It's funny they poop on the concrete...that's usually a dog thing. Cats like it dry and dry dirt is perfect for them.

    • That's really strange....I used to have an 'outdoors' cat and he would not do any of his 'business' unless it was in a place where he could cover it up with some dirt or pine straw....I have never heard of a cat doing anything on concrete (weird cat!) but you could try putting chili powder out there or if you see the cat about to do 'it' you could get a water hose and spray itI hope this helps

    • Try sprinkling ground red pepper around the yard. This will keep a lot of sniffing critters out. Or borrow some ones big dog for a few days.:-) We had a cat and an armadillo that the pepper took care of. You may have to do it a few times because of the rain, but once they figure it out they will quit comming around. You can get it fairly cheap at Wal-Mart. The bonus is that it is chemical free.

    • Pets Mart, Petco and most Pet Store carry a spray which you can put on furniture or around your yard that will keep them from coming in. Plus now they have this invisible fencing that you can put up that keeps animals out. I have never tried any of this but I know of others who have and both have worked. You might have to reapply if it rains.