What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness?

My son just got a puppy a few weeks ago and everytime they go somewhere in the car and take him, he get sick and vomits all over the car. They do alot of travelling and when this happens, one of them ends up staying home with it, usually his wife. How…

    What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness?

    My son just got a puppy a few weeks ago and everytime they go somewhere in the car and take him, he get sick and vomits all over the car. They do alot of travelling and when this happens, one of them ends up staying home with it, usually his wife. How…...
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    • What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness?

      What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness? Other Pet Discussions
      My son just got a puppy a few weeks ago and everytime they go somewhere in the car and take him, he get sick and vomits all over the car. They do alot of travelling and when this happens, one of them ends up staying home with it, usually his wife. How safe would it be to try giving him some OTC Dramamine? Or does anyone have a suggestion?

      What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness?

      What can I do for a dog who has traveling sickness? Other Pet Discussions
    • The vet can prescribe the right dosage of medication for a trip like that. My vet has me give my cat a tiny bit of benedryl before a vet visit. Check with the doc so as not to cause more harm than good.

    • Depending on how old the dog is, would depend on the dramamine. I gave my dog dramamine starting when she was about 7-8 months old, before that check with your vet. You can just call and ask. Also, I would recommend using regular dramamine or check with the vet to see if the non drowsy is safe since they have different ingredients. The cause of car sickness for many dogs is the flashing lights through the windows, so a great thing to try first is to put the puppy in a crate in the car and then cover the crate with a blanket so he is in a dark area and that may solve the problem. Many puppies grow out of the car sickness problem so there is hope for you! Also, see if he can make it through very short rides and if so gradually increase the length of the ride. Good Luck

    • i dont think dramamine is designed to work on dogs. i dont think the side effects are even tested. since he's such a little puppy a regular dose for a human would be ten fold what the dose for a human is. if he was a normal size dog, i'd say find some dramamine in the tablet form and just split it down the middle (have him take a half a tablet), but even that would be an overdose for that poor little guy. dramamine might not work, however. it might also even mess up his insides, considering the human body is different from a dogs body in several ways. a vet would always have a good opinion, much more knowledgable than almost anything you can read on here, if you dont mind spending the money.

    • i suggest you dont take the dog on the trips and instead of having the wife take care of it hire another person....make sure you can trust them with a dog though...or they have like dog cares around town and u can drop ur dog off there for a while (it costs money though) and they take really good care of ur dog

    • You could try using ginger or gingersnap cookies. I'm not sure on how much to give a pup though. Take very short trips over smooth roads.Always make it funBeing a pup, it will likely grow out of it.

    • Don't laugh......gingersnap cookies.My dog got car sick even if we only drove for 5 minutes.Someone suggested gingersnap cookies.Out of desperation I got some.They worked!!!Depending on the size of your dog is how many you should give,you will have to experiment.Good luck!