How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box?

We have had this cat for 2 years about a year ago we got another kitten. About 3 months later our older cat starting pooping outside of the litter box. We took her to the vet and we found out she had a urinary track infection. She was on medicine and…

    How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box?

    We have had this cat for 2 years about a year ago we got another kitten. About 3 months later our older cat starting pooping outside of the litter box. We took her to the vet and we found out she had a urinary track infection. She was on medicine and…...
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    • How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box?

      How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
      We have had this cat for 2 years about a year ago we got another kitten. About 3 months later our older cat starting pooping outside of the litter box. We took her to the vet and we found out she had a urinary track infection. She was on medicine and stopped for about a month. Since then we have changed her food and she is still doing it. The crazy thing is that she only does it in one spot in the dining room. She doesnt do it any where else. She is fixed. We have 2 litter boxes. The vet says that it could be because we got the new cat. The problem with this is she treats the other cat like her own. They play, she cleans him, they lay on each other. She is even getting so bold as to do it right in front of us. We are moving to a new house and dont want her to continue in the new house. Anyone have any suggestions?She still goes in the litter box but will also do this in the dining room. We have tried expensive sprays, plug ins that are supposed to help with the cats mood and change the smell. I am not going to take it to a kill shelter.

      How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box?

      How do i stop my cat from peeing and pooping outside of the litter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • Keep the boxes real clean. Cats don't like dirty boxes at all. Put a cat repellent(at the pet store) on the spot that the kitty is pooping on. Take the cat that's doing da da & put em in the clean box that is for them & take her paw & scratch the sand with it many times. Like, you're supposed(the cat) to know that your being dumb about this(the cat).

    • We had to crate a kitty with a litterbox and just enough room to sleep in. It took a week. We opend the crate and pulled the box out and left him and the crate/litterbox in a small room for another week till he would use it then let him into the rest of the house. She may be playing with the new kitty but is still not happy that "her " house has been invaded. You can try to spray "apple Bitters" in the spot she favors. the smell will not bother you but it will her. You have to repeat it every 12 hours or so. Make sure her infection has not returned. Please do not take her to a kill shelter.