How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals?

How do you tell of she is pregnant or not? My friend was wondering.

    How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals?

    How do you tell of she is pregnant or not? My friend was wondering....
    Other Pet Discussions : How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals?...

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    • How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals?

      How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals? Other Pet Discussions
      How do you tell of she is pregnant or not? My friend was wondering.

      How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals?

      How long can you ride a pregnant horse before she foals? Other Pet Discussions
    • you can ride them right up until they foal but its best to stop riding 2-3 months before foaling...a vet can palpate to see if they are in foal - this is the best way to be sure

    • Have the vet palpate your mare to see if she is pregnant.That is the easiest way to know for sure.We ride ours up until about 2 maybe 3 months bofore they deliver.It depends on the mare and how big they get. If they seem uncomfortable we stop riding. Also we only ride lightly nothing to strenous on thm. More trail rides and not all day.Thery get extra vitamins and such while in foal and when nursing.

    • Have a vet check her to see if she's pregnant... if she is, you can still ride her.. but take it kind of easy on her.. we rode ours up until recently but she's HUGE now. I personally wouldn't try to do something like endurance riding or barrel racing on her.. but a short trail ride wouldn't be bad.

    • the rest have answered the "how can you tell" question pretty much the same way I would. there is a blood test, also, but it's somewhat unreliable.I ride my mares just as I normally do up til they're around 6 months in. then I go easier on them, keeping the rides shorter and easier as the months progress. when they're a month or two out I only go out for very short (30 min or so) light trail rides, and about that time I only ride bareback. I've done that right up until that last week or so, when they start getting really uncomfortable. the better condition the mare is in the easier the pregnancy and foaling, and the subsequent nursing months, will be on her. just like people.

    • yeah, get the vet to check to seeif shes pregnant. you cant really *know* unless youve had training like a vat for riding, i bleieve they need the exercise and keeping them moving keeps them in shape for easier delivery etc. ride a little easy on her unitl about 6-7 months depending on how big she gets. then after that, just make sure shes moving around in pasture, or if shes in a stall, continue to lunge her everyday to keep her in shape.