How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me?

Every time I move she is growling at me. She is an adopted older cat. It is frustrating, I am not afraid of her, just the opposite I feel bad for her being so angry.

    How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me?

    Every time I move she is growling at me. She is an adopted older cat. It is frustrating, I am not afraid of her, just the opposite I feel bad for her being so angry....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me?...

    • How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me?

      How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me? Other Pet Discussions
      Every time I move she is growling at me. She is an adopted older cat. It is frustrating, I am not afraid of her, just the opposite I feel bad for her being so angry.

      How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me?

      How do I get my newly acquired cat to stop growling at me? Other Pet Discussions
    • I have adopted several adult strays. I think the best thing is to ignore it completely. Just go about your business and let the cat take care of him/herself.In a while, he'll learn that you're the one with the can opener, and his attitude will change. One of my cats hid in a back bedroom, but I only fed her in the kitchen so she would have to walk thru the house to eat. After she did this a few times without having to relate to me (because I was ignoring her), she loosened up quite a bit.When you can get close enough without spoiling his mood, dangle a piece of string for him to play with.He'll come around.