How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered?

He is about 4 mos old and my husband thinks he is already trying to learn how to spray.

    How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered?

    He is about 4 mos old and my husband thinks he is already trying to learn how to spray....
    Other Pet Discussions : How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered?...

    • How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered?

      How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered? Other Pet Discussions
      He is about 4 mos old and my husband thinks he is already trying to learn how to spray.

      How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered?

      How old does my kitten need to be before I have him neutered? Other Pet Discussions
    • then get it right away...houses can literaly be ruined because of cat spraying and it will not go well with guestsask a vet when is the soonest you can but i think you have to wait till its 6 months or older

    • i think that a pet must be atleast 6 mo. old in order to perform this . they have to reach a certain maturity before it can be done , if done to soon it could cause health problems later . check with you vet to be certain .

    • 4 months old is just the right time, I had my cat fixed and she was almost 4 months the Vet went on and did it because she has most of her adult teeth, just take him to the vet and they will know for sure, but want to before he is 6 months and goes into heat! YIKES not pretty

    • Male cats are usually neutered between 5 1/2 and 9 months of age, before habits such as spraying urine are started. Neutering involves the removal of the source of sex hormones and sperm cells, which is the testicles. The two incisions are usually so small that stitches or sutures are not even needed. And, normally, the cat is sent home the very same day.

    • Animals can go into puberty early or late just like people. I do know that some shelters and rescue groups spay/neuter at 6weeks (way to young) so they are positive that pet gets it done. But on average 4-6 months is normal.