How do I get my cat to be more affectionate?

My kitten (4, almost 5 months old), besides biting me a lot, isn't really a lap cat. All my other cats (outdoor cats though) love to sit on my lap, but my indoor kitten cries to be released when I try to hold her. I'd really like her to be more…

    How do I get my cat to be more affectionate?

    My kitten (4, almost 5 months old), besides biting me a lot, isn't really a lap cat. All my other cats (outdoor cats though) love to sit on my lap, but my indoor kitten cries to be released when I try to hold her. I'd really like her to be more…...
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    • How do I get my cat to be more affectionate?

      How do I get my cat to be more affectionate? Other Pet Discussions
      My kitten (4, almost 5 months old), besides biting me a lot, isn't really a lap cat. All my other cats (outdoor cats though) love to sit on my lap, but my indoor kitten cries to be released when I try to hold her. I'd really like her to be more affectionate, and at least let me hold her for longer than five seconds. Any ideas?Also, she is always very sweet when I wake up in the mornings and let her out of the cage she sleeps in - i.e, rubbing my leg, purring a lot, and letting me pet her.The acting like a cat with the cat is a good idea. I have a ton of experience with cats (having had tons my whole life), and I've done the things, like, when they're looking at you you're supposed to blink because staring is aggresive and the blink is kind of like a friendship sign.... I didn't think about rubbing against her like she does to me though. I might try that. Though my family will most likely think my nuts :).

      How do I get my cat to be more affectionate?

      How do I get my cat to be more affectionate? Other Pet Discussions
    • Cats have their own distinct personalities, which are extremely hard to change. And even if you can change it, why giving a psychological trauma to an animal that doesn't deserve it? Your pleasure of petting the kitten is not worth the damage you might cause.

    • well..I think that you should her alittle of time. Give her treats and if she lets you while you are giving her treats, pet her. you also need to talk to her like -you are such a pretty kitty. and stuff like that. and when she is biting you, tell her no and point at her. if that does not work then put her in a room by her self.

    • Sometimes it's personality. Try sprinkling some catnip on the scratching post or around. Also, don't try to hold and force yourself on the cat, it sees you all the time, so it sees it can get loved one whenever it wants. Forced holding and petting will make it unhappy. Also, take it in a room with you while you do stuff (like surf the net) and leave it in there with you while you do. They will eventually come to you for petting. Teasers also work nicely. (Feathery chase toys) My cat comes running when I pull it out. Sometimes it's cat personality and they are just that way, they'll come to you when they want petting, some get nicer as they mature, sometimes it's in the breeds.

    • 2 options:- try playing with it more and keep going by him/her constantly even if he/she runs away.or- try to make him/her jealous by playing with the other cats more and make sure that he/she is watching.

    • How can I get my cat to be less affectionate?Each cat is different.You have to start earlier than 4 to 5 months, but here's what seemed to do it for our two cats.Rub your head on theirs. Ever notice that cats rub their heads up against your legs and that the do this with other cats? This is part of the social aspect of cats (think it has something to do with scent glands). So act like a cat with the cat.Play with the cat. Flashlights, feathers on a stick, etc establish a bond with the cat by letting the cat play the way it wants too.Cuddle the cat for brief moments. One of my cats will allow me to cuddle it like a child, upside down in my arms while I scratch it's belly. Again, lots of head rubbing, slow movement into these positions, gentle stroking and trust establishment.Swat at the cat when the cat swats at you. Don't hit hard but immitate their way of establishing limits when they exceed there bounds. This is communicating in a way it understands. I've also gently bitten the cats ear too. Just enough to communicate that my teeth are on the cats ear and get them to stop. Again, I'm trying to imitate their communication so its in terms that they understand.Will any of this work for you? How the heck should I know? I've only been family to two cats. Your mileage may vary.

    • My 10 year old cat is not a lap cat--but she shows affection in many other ways--rubbing. Hollywood "kisses" and snuggling in bed. Watch your cat she'll find a way to show affection. Also when I do pick her up---I ask her first--if its ok for a bit she'll come by my feet. Cats are fun and loving furry friends--Be patient.

    • My cat "the Spook" does not like to be held at all. Never has and she is 8 1/2 years old. She will come sit on me, or along side me, but it has to be on her terms! Frequently, as I go to bed, she will come and lay on my chest. We have developed this routine, I pray, and that is her clue to jump up on me. This is when she gets petted, her ears and shoulders rubbed, etc. She is surprised me recently by indicating she wanted me to 'pet' her nose/facial whiskers...most cats will freak if you touch their whiskers.

    • One thing - is that I wouldn't pick her up. I've discovered that one of my cats is very sweet if I get next to her on something at her own level, like a couch or the bed - but she hates to be held. If I sit next to her and just pat her she'll rub up against me and purr. But if I pick her up, like yours she'll struggle to get down. I think she's just insecure about not being on her own feet.

    • sounds like she needs to be payed more attention to, also it is a kitten, they get cuddlier when they get older, my cats were that way too when young now they are pests, be careful what you wish for. also i wouldnt be cuddly if i was kept in a cage either. also try holding her differently mine like to be held with their legs drapped on either side of my arm and tummy in my hand not like a baby.