Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox?

My cat started to eliminate outside of his box. He is eight years old and has never done this before. He will urinate in his box, but when he has a bowel movement he goes in a different room. After he does this he seems either scared or in physical…

    Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox?

    My cat started to eliminate outside of his box. He is eight years old and has never done this before. He will urinate in his box, but when he has a bowel movement he goes in a different room. After he does this he seems either scared or in physical…...
    Other Pet Discussions : Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox?...

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    • Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox?

      Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat started to eliminate outside of his box. He is eight years old and has never done this before. He will urinate in his box, but when he has a bowel movement he goes in a different room. After he does this he seems either scared or in physical distress. We took him to the vets for an examination, blodd test, feces test, and x-ray but they could not find a reason for this sudden behavior change.

      Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox?

      Why would a cat start eliminating outside the litterbox? Other Pet Discussions
    • This is common and could be one of several things:1)He/she really HATES that new litter you bought2) Hey, you...my litterbox is one step below a port-a-potty and I refuse to use the dirty thing3)There is a new pet/baby in the home and I am voicing my displeasure4) I need to be neutered or I will mark my territory until the house smells like a barnyard5) I do have an underlying medical issue