What is the best bug repellent for dogs?

We have a major mosquito problem around here, Ive been spraying the yard, but its not taking care of it completely. What is the best way to keep mosquitoes off of him?Is the flea stuff for dogs (cant remember which one it is) that does mosquitoes any…

    What is the best bug repellent for dogs?

    We have a major mosquito problem around here, Ive been spraying the yard, but its not taking care of it completely. What is the best way to keep mosquitoes off of him?Is the flea stuff for dogs (cant remember which one it is) that does mosquitoes any…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best bug repellent for dogs?...

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    • What is the best bug repellent for dogs?

      What is the best bug repellent for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      We have a major mosquito problem around here, Ive been spraying the yard, but its not taking care of it completely. What is the best way to keep mosquitoes off of him?Is the flea stuff for dogs (cant remember which one it is) that does mosquitoes any good? Also Ive seen people using Skin-So-Soft, is that any good, and is it ok for the dog? I use it on the kids, so it would cut down on bottles for hiking which is always good.Thank you for the help.Oddly enough we've never had a problem with fleas (well, once when he was a tiny puppy, but never since). And the only time he's gotten a tick was when we went camping. It seems the woods in our yard are either bug free, or they have something better to bother than him.I'll looking into the spray for the yard today and considering Advantix.Is Advantix worth doing just for mosquitoes though, or should I look at a less expensive product for when he wont be leaving our property?

      What is the best bug repellent for dogs?

      What is the best bug repellent for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • ADVANTIX for Dogs.We live in a West Nile Virus area and our dog is an indoor outdoor dog that we like to take with us to the park and she sleeps on our bed at night.We have always used Advantix on her and have NEVER seen a flea, tick or had a mosquito problem with her.

    • Permectrin or Pyrethrine (? spelling) You can get it at a feed or horse store, it is the ingredient in most horse fly sprays they have a concentrated version for spraying stalls or yards and it can be watered down for horses and dogs (not cats) Most feed stores know what you are talking about, make sure the label says for dogs so it is not too strong. I would spray the yard including up on bushes and fences as well as the dog, it kills flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes etc. Not immediately but in a day or two you notice the problems are gone...its also one of the safest products out there for people (as far as chemicals go) just read the directions and let it dry good before getting on the yard or petting the dog!!Or you could go the all natural way and check into citronella products at natural food and drug marts, just make sure it works on dogs

    • Natural Eucalyptus leave's work wonders around my house and we have two dogs . We have had fleas in the yard but not on the dogs. Keep them around the dogs bed or where ever you spend lots of time. I am not sure about the mosqito's . I would give it a try .