What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

I'll start:disposable razor, electrical wiring, crunched christmas ornaments, eyeglasses, TV remote and I'd like to say "baby gate doorknob" except I didn't catch him eating it, until he pooped it out whole, after a trip to the vet.it is amazing - you…

    What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

    I'll start:disposable razor, electrical wiring, crunched christmas ornaments, eyeglasses, TV remote and I'd like to say "baby gate doorknob" except I didn't catch him eating it, until he pooped it out whole, after a trip to the vet.it is amazing - you…...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?...

    • What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

      What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating? General Dog Discussions
      I'll start:disposable razor, electrical wiring, crunched christmas ornaments, eyeglasses, TV remote and I'd like to say "baby gate doorknob" except I didn't catch him eating it, until he pooped it out whole, after a trip to the vet.it is amazing - you think you have completely cleared and puppy-proofed an area, and they seem to pull stuff out of thin air!WOW. This has been enlightening, amusing, and in alot of cases, gross.Thanks for sharing!

      What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating?

      What are some of the most effed up things you have caught your dog eating? General Dog Discussions
    • Christmas Ornaments (Beany Babies, Glass Ornaments & Plastic). Glasses, College Books, Shoe, Spoon, Brother's Electric Razor, Snow Globe, Toilet Paper, My CELL PHONE, My Pikachu Piggy Bank, Drywall, Silly Putty, Plastic Eiffel Tower..Yeah, the Eiffel Tower, I guess they wanted to be King Kong in France.I guess they hate Pikachu. Who hates Pikachu!1!?@Cazz- My dogs do that. Once Skipper ate a pretty butterfly =/

    • Wax candles, silly putty, duct tape, cement........I had a rescued Dachshund who ate anything and everything. Never had a blockage, never threw up........dog was a garbage disposal on 4 legs.

    • About two pounds of hickory smoked ham. He went out in our neighborhood by accident and puked up the whole mess on our living room carpet. We think he got into a trash can and we're doing a much better job of containing him now. Man, it was gross, though. You couldn't walk by without feeling like you wanted to vomit and the carpet there still smells faintly like it if you lie down and inhale.

    • His Own Disgusting POOP !!! I cant stop my chihuahua from doing what you've mentioned above !for some reason i can a bit hold him back when he's in front of my eyes.and oh yeah HE LOVES TISSUES AND PAPERS In addition All stationary tools i think im Developing The Skaespeare Chihuahua.All The Best

    • He LOVES toilet paper..that's his fave.Used tampons and padsUsed condomsMy other dog's collar (after he got it off her somehow!)A spool of thread (this one REALLY scared me.)I once left a garbage bag of dirty guinea pig bedding on the deck, he spread it all over the yard and barfed up quite a bit as well....nasty!An outdoor garbage can lidMy cameraMy favorite pillow! :(DiapersMemory foam mattress topperHis, my other dogs', my cats' poop.Pretty much anything he can get his paws on!Add: Almost forget about this one! He dug up and ate part of the water line for my underground sprinklers!

    • Border Collie:Each time I come home from work he will immediately target my shoes. Not to chew them or eat them, but to lick the bottoms of them. I work with food, so I guess stuff gets lodged into the treads.Beagle:Ate a whole squirrel once. And then vomited it up on the carpet a little while later.The squirrel was almost half the size of him, and still had a face when it came back up.

    • Anyone who was in montreal a while back would know the huge snow storm that knocked power out for like...a week. Well, we emptyed out our freezer and we forgot a ham in it, in the basement. About 2 weeks later we noticed a horrid smell in the basement. We found the ham, rotten and green. We put in like half a jug of bleach. At the time my mom had a 1 year old bloodhound. We had closed the freezer door, but someone he opening it got in and ate the ham and bleach that night! The dog was fine. Didnt even puke amazingly!!

    • 2 whole bags of hershey kisses, tinfoil and all...her poop was colorful (this happened more than twice). A pigeions foot, one of them brought in a lizard half eatn, a brownie packet (the dry kind befor you make it)Acrilic paint(whole tube, it was purple....her poop was purple/tongue/and her butthole), our wall ( a HUGE chunk was missing, more than once), a stamp, keys from our keyboard, a remote, a battery, a flip-flop (more than once), christmas ornaments, a minnie mouse for a comp, a flash drive, staples, a crazy fuzzy pen, baby toys, paint,nail polish, a whole pan of cookies (more than once), a whole tub of ice cream, turds (ew lol), tampons (disgusting) foundation....I could go on forever (sum of the listed above my sister's dog ate) We have 3 dogs, my sister has 2. We have sum messed up dogs lol.*******PS: our 2 dogs got into macadamia nuts 2 x-mas's ago and...now they have severe nerve damage in their back end. PLEASE keep this out of their reach. It is a doggie destroyer

    • Well, I dog sit a GSD...She's eaten allot in her time with me.A concrete dog ornament.A rabbits head which the cat brought in.The curtains, which she pulled off of the rail to eat.The computer mouse (Had to buy a new one, but I guess it was a blessing)Her own collar.She also swallows her vomit on command. No, nobody taught her this! If she's heaving, and you say "*Name* NO!" Then she swallows it and you can get her outside before she vomits. ¬_¬ I don't think that counts as eating it, but still, pretty Fup-ed.

    • My dogs regularly snack on a combo of alfalfa, cow manure, and mud.They pick it up by the cow pen; to watch them hunt for it and protect it, you'd think it was a T-bone steak.

    • Kitty Rocha! That is so disgusting! It wasn't the dogs I have now, it was a Choc Lab that died from age I used to have (her name was Hoover... go figure), but she also used to eat bars of soap, get in the garbage (we never figured how she was opening it, she had to be stepping on the pedal, so we mouse trapped that, she liked toads, and many other things I'm sure I don't want to know about! Once my dad caught one of his hunting dogs eating human poop in the woods.... gag, nasty... then they always want to be in your face licking you. The dogs I have now, one chews a little, but she got a blast from the electrical chord, so she hasn't done that since (the one to my computer) :( Occasionally she eats just the toe part of socks, clean or dirty... not happy when I find holes in the socks! Forgot to add, my husbands $300 shoes became a teething toy for my step-daughters pup! LMAO