Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them?

My young puppy was just recently ran over. She is in horribal pain, and there is nothing that I can do for her. I wanted to know if there was any certain type of pain meds that was best. I know that there are certain types that will shut their system…

    Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them?

    My young puppy was just recently ran over. She is in horribal pain, and there is nothing that I can do for her. I wanted to know if there was any certain type of pain meds that was best. I know that there are certain types that will shut their system…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them?...

    • Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them?

      Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them? General Dog Discussions
      My young puppy was just recently ran over. She is in horribal pain, and there is nothing that I can do for her. I wanted to know if there was any certain type of pain meds that was best. I know that there are certain types that will shut their system down.

      Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them?

      Can you give a young puppy pain meds? And if, what kind can you give them? General Dog Discussions
    • Ahhh, did you take the pup to the vet????? If you did, he would have prescribed something to manage her pain - if you didn't take her to the vet - shame on you and get her there ASAP. Enough said.

    • She was ran over? Why haven't you taken her to the vet?! Take her to the VET, the vet can make sure she's not bleeding internally and such, and fix any broken bones. The vet will also give you pain medication for the dog.Don't give your dog human medicine unless advised to by a vet.Are you aware that it's illegal to not get your pets proper veterinary care in such situations? It's a form of neglect..

    • She was run over, she needs to see the vet. If you do not take her to the vet and get her treated and cared for properly, you are going to be charged with Abuse and Neglect.. Not providing proper vet care. You cannot give her anything at home that is going to fix this, she needs to see the vet.

    • You should never give over the counter medications at home unless directed by a Veterinarian. Especially not to a puppy. Most of them are toxic and can kill your pet very quickly.If you cannot take your puppy to the Vet ASAP, at least call them and ask what you can do to make her comfortable until you can. Hit by car cases need to be seen sooner rather than later as you might not be aware of internal damage until it is too late.Good luck.

    • umm, you need to take her to the vet, like NOW!!!! Or else your puppy will DIE! Don't let your puppy die! Take her to the vet NOW and let us know what happens!!!! good luck!! even if your vet is close, they will call in the doctor for an emergency, so GO!!!!

    • No, you should be taking her to a vet instead of letting her suffer! You can not give any pain med to a dog besides aspirin, which is not going to help if your dog was hit by a car. If you want your dog to be out of pain you need to get them to the animal hospital ASAP.

    • By you saying "recently" I hope yo meant with in the last 5 minutes! TAKE IT TO THE VET!!!! If you don't have that much common sense you shouldn't be in care of anything. It was ran over! If you can't afford it then take it to the nearest shelter and turn it over to them and don't replace it with any more animals.