I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front.

This causes him to walk funny and fall a lot. I have a vet appointment scheduled to get it looked at, but it is weeks away. I was wondering if anyone out there has had a similar problem and if they could tell me about it. Is it fixable? What would you…

    I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front.

    This causes him to walk funny and fall a lot. I have a vet appointment scheduled to get it looked at, but it is weeks away. I was wondering if anyone out there has had a similar problem and if they could tell me about it. Is it fixable? What would you…...
    General Dog Discussions : I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front....

    • I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front.

      I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front. General Dog Discussions
      This causes him to walk funny and fall a lot. I have a vet appointment scheduled to get it looked at, but it is weeks away. I was wondering if anyone out there has had a similar problem and if they could tell me about it. Is it fixable? What would you recommend?

      I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front.

      I have a 9 wk old Great Dane puppy. One of his knees turns out to the side when he walks instead of out front. General Dog Discussions
    • for my opinion,i think that your dog either broke his leg or his muscle misplaced itself.the vet could probably fix it as long as you keep your dog as healthy as possible until your appointment.

    • Sounds like a bone problem. some are genetic and some are from the food being fed. Make sure he is on a large breed formula and do not over feed him. I would get him to the vet sooner if possible, you don't want a disabled great dane.

    • This is a very, very serious problem. It sounds like the beginnings of HOD. The most important thing to do is get this puppy on the proper diet TODAY! MY dane started knuckling over at 8.5 weeks, couldn't walk a step for 2-3 days. I corrected his diet from the crap the breeder had him on, and added the vitamins the GDL reccommends, and he was up and semi-running again within 24 hours. Check out www.GreatDaneLady.com for a ton of helpful info on proper nutrition, and what you can do to help your puppy ASAP. Her preferred food is Eagle Pack Natural if you can find it in a store near you (or you can order off their web page). You also need to get him on the proper vitamins and supplements. She lays it all out for you, what he needs, and where to get it. 4 in1 Probiotics, Nzymes, MSM, and Ester C. Later he should be on glucosamine if he's still having problems. You don't have weeks to wait and then try to fix this problem. If it gets too bad, many vets reccommend euth. I had my pup on the Eagle Pack (which I feed to my other dogs and it's fantastic), but it's lamb based, which can sku the calcium/ phosphorus ratios up. Some dane pups can eat anything and thrive, but it sounds like your guy needs you to be very careful what you give him. If the nutrients in the kibble aren't correct, it can cause the bones/ muscles/ tendons to grow at different rates, causing lameness, and the deformity you're starting to see in him. Also, you need a food that had a moderate amount of calories per cup. Too many calories can also lead to HOD. I drove myself nuts finding the food that works best for my pup. He's 7 months old now and I feed him Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul/ Adult formula. Do not feed your pup ANY brand of puppy food, even large breed. Other dane people I know feed Canidea, which is good for adults, but the calories are way too high for a pup with bone growth issues. Also, you need to find a vet (preferably an ortho vet) who has experiance with danes. Your regular vet may not be the right person to talk to about these issues. HOD symptoms look very much like Pano, and OCD at first. It's very easy for a vet who doesn't see a lot of this to mis-diagnose the problem. The GDL also has info on her site to print out and give to your vet to help with the diagnosis.There's not a lot you can do if it's HOD, mostly pain relief and just wait for them to grow out of it if it's not too severe (which is usually about 8-10 months). If it's in his back legs, it may be something else completely (that's why it's so important to find the right vet).Good luck. I hope it works out for you both....