Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask?

I have a 10 week old English Mastiff puppy. He did not come with papers but I was told he is purebred. (It doesn't necessarily matter to me one way or another if he is purebred, but now my curiosity has been raised.) He does not have a black mask, but…

    Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask?

    I have a 10 week old English Mastiff puppy. He did not come with papers but I was told he is purebred. (It doesn't necessarily matter to me one way or another if he is purebred, but now my curiosity has been raised.) He does not have a black mask, but…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask?...

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    • Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask?

      Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 10 week old English Mastiff puppy. He did not come with papers but I was told he is purebred. (It doesn't necessarily matter to me one way or another if he is purebred, but now my curiosity has been raised.) He does not have a black mask, but everything I've seen says that all Mastiffs do. Anyone have any experience with a mastiff WITHOUT a mask?Sorry, a picture probably would have been helpful in the first place. Here are two of him, if I've done this correctly....[Blocked Image:][Blocked Image:]Trying again (wish you could preview before you submit...)

      Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask?

      Can an English Mastiff not have a black mask? General Dog Discussions
    • Since there's NO SUCH BREED,there's no STANDARD,is there?There IS a real breed called Mastiff & a Bullmastiff & a Neopolitan Mastiff. & a Tibetan Mastiff......all of which have every acceptable trait written in their BREED STANDARDS.Go read them

    • The breed standard requires a "dark" mask and ears. Coloration defects are considered a minor fault, not a major one, so this dog could be purebred, just bred poorly, or could be a mix. You can post a picture if you want thoughts on that. Per the AKC standard:Muzzle, ears, and nose must be dark in color, the blacker the better, with similar color tone around the eye orbits and extending upward between them.

    • Without papers from a legitimate registry there is no way to be sure your dog is a purebred.It should matter to you-for if you paid money for this dog then he should have come from Champion Health tested parents. Anyone who would bother to show and health test is going to register the puppies.Since most of their health issues are VERY EXPENSIVE to deal with, the money you spend when you buy a dog from health tested parents will save you tens of thousands of dollars in future vet bills.Here is information that you should have gotten BEFORE you got this dog.Including ALL the health tests you should have seen from both parents of your dog.-------Mastiff Health Information SheetThe MCOA Health Committee recommends that all Mastiff breeders provide their puppy buyers with a list of health problems found in Mastiffs such as the following. If you are considering getting a Mastiff, It is hoped this Information Sheet will guide buyers to ask pertinent questions, encourage their review of testing certifications and enable them to make educated decisions before purchasing a Mastiff. Preferably buyers should be asked to read this before committing to a purchase and encouraged to ask questions. It is important that the buyer understand the potential for these conditions or problems to develop in any Mastiff, regardless of the line, pedigree, breeder, or testing of ancestors and thus the need for testing and reporting the results of those tests to the breeder and participating in ongoing research efforts. EYE PROBLEMS IN THE BREEDCataract - Lens opacity that may in part or in total affect one or both eyes. Blindness results when cataracts are complete and in both eyes. Distichiasis - Eyelashes abnormally located in the eyelid margin which may cause ocular irritation. Ectropion - Conformational defect resulting in eversion of the eyelids, which may cause ocular irritation due to exposure. Entropion - Conformational defect where eyelid margin inverts, or rolls inward, toward the eye causing eyelashes and hair to rub against the cornea resulting in ocular irritation. Macroblepharon - Abnormally large eyelid opening; may lead to secondary conditions associated with corneal exposure. Persistent Pupillary Membranes (PPM) - Persistent blood vessel remnants in the anterior chamber of the eye which fail to regress normally in the neonatal period. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) - Degenerative disease of the retinal visual cells which leads to blindness. In Mastiffs the age at which PRA can be detected varies from as young as 6 months to as late as 42 months. Typically Mastiffs with PRA go blind gradually, first loosing their night vision and then their day vision. Many do not go completely blind until they are 8 years old or older. Retinal Dysplasia - Abnormal development of the retina present at birth and recognized to have three forms: folds, geographic, and detachment. A Mastiff with just folds will pass CERF and the folds may disappear over time. STRUCTURAL/JOINT PROBLEMS IN THE BREEDAnterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Rupture - The knee along with the external support (i.e., collateral leg) has two ligaments inside the joint that help prevent forward movement (i.e., cruciate). Insult/injury can cause this ligament to rupture and result in acute lameness (the animal will not want to bear weight) on the affected limb. Elbow Dysplasia - Elbow dysplasia encompasses several different conditions, all of which are indicative of abnormally formed or fused elbow joints and all can result in lameness and pain for the animal: Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP) - This form of elbow dysplasia is generally the most difficult to treat if the fragments are actually loose in the joint. Osteochrondritis Dissecans (OCD) - A nutritionally based developmental disease. It is separation of joint cartilage caused by too rapid growth. It is known to occur in elbows, shoulders, hocks and stifles but it can occur anywhere in the body. It is a defect in the cartilage overlaying or attaching to the bone. Ununited Anconeal Process (UAP) - In Mastiffs the Anconeal Process can close later than in smaller breeds, as late as one year of age. Hip Dysplasia - Hip dysplasia is a painful condition caused by abnormally formed hips. The animal becomes lame in the hind quarters due to the pain associated with the degeneration of the hips. Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD) - A nutritionally based developmental disease that manifests with toes turning in or out, roached toplines, pinched rears, and in advanced stages fever, lethargy, pain in joints, inability to stand or function. This is a problem of intake in calories versus output of energy - too many calories consumed and/or unbalanced diet disrupted by supplementing. Panosteitis (Pano or Wandering Lameness) - Another nutritionally based developmental problem associated with too rapid growth. Lameness can occur in one limb or over time in all limbs. It is self-limiting and spontaneously disappears. MISCELLANEOUS OTHER PROBLEMS IN THE BREEDCancer - Most forms of cancer have been diagnosed in some members of the breed. Probably some forms of cancer are hereditary while others occur spontaneously or even due to environmental toxins. Cystinuria - (from Dr. Giger's description of Cystinuria): Cystinuria is an inherited metabolic disease caused by a defective kidney transporter for cystine and some other amino acids. Because cystine readily precipitates in acid urine crystals and later calculi (stones) can form in the kidney and bladder. These calculi can result in serious illness, especially in males. Cystinuric animals may show recurrent clinical signs of a urinary tract disorder from a few months of age until late in life. Epilepsy - seizure disorder which can have multiple causes. Age of onset of the inherited form is 6 months to 5 years of age. Generally difficult to treat successfully in Mastiffs and other large breeds. There are two research efforts at this time. Gastric Dilation, Torsion, Volvulus (Bloat) - Bloat is a hideous killer of giant breed animals, and Mastiffs are no exception. Without warning, the stomach fills with air (dilation), can twist 180 degrees (torsion) on its long axis, or more than 180 degrees (volvulus) thereby cutting off blood and oxygen to vital organs. Bloat can be primary or secondary, caused by emotional or physical stress, improper nutrition or feeding habits, guzzling water, inappropriate exercise, as well as other causes that we do not understand. Every Mastiff owner needs to familiarize themselves with bloat symptoms and have a plan of action to get the animal to an emergency medical facility at the onset of the first symptom. A dog that is bloating has approximately 3 hours to live without medical intervention. Heart Disease - The most common heart problems are aortic stenosis, mitral valve dysplasia and cardiomyopathy. Early detection and treatment are essential for a good prognosis. Some mastiffs have heart murmurs that are mild and not a cause for concern. If a heart murmur is detected it is essential to have it checked to see if it is an "innocent" murmur or a serious problem. Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism is the result of an abnormally functioning thyroid gland resulting in a lower than normal level of thyroid hormone (T3 or T4). This lack of thyroid hormone can have serious health consequences including coat and skin problems, intolerance to cold, weight gain or loss, infertility, sudden aggression, and immune system malfunctions. The inherited form is autoimmune thyroiditis where the body's own immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland or reduces it's function. Autoimmune thyroiditis is diagnosed by measuring the FT4D, cTSH and TgAA. Acquired hypothyroidism can be caused by various problems such as stress for long periods of time, poor nutrition, prolonged infections, and chemical agents. von Willebrand's Disease (vWD) - An abnormal bleeding disorder due to a lack of normal clotting. An animal's life can be threatened by bleeding due to an injury, or during spaying/neutering or any other condition resulting in bleeding.

    • It is important to remember that not all patients with severe aortic stenosis suffer obvious symptoms, however on more in-depth questioning, it is often found that the patient’s activity levels have declined over time without them realizing.