
Does anyone know about how much it costs to get a puppies leg amputated??I just found a puppy and it has a broken leg and I think its been like that and no body fixed it and the puppy cant feel it anymore she just drags it behind her and some people said…


    Does anyone know about how much it costs to get a puppies leg amputated??I just found a puppy and it has a broken leg and I think its been like that and no body fixed it and the puppy cant feel it anymore she just drags it behind her and some people said…...
    General Dog Discussions : Amputation??...

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    • Amputation??

      Amputation?? General Dog Discussions
      Does anyone know about how much it costs to get a puppies leg amputated??I just found a puppy and it has a broken leg and I think its been like that and no body fixed it and the puppy cant feel it anymore she just drags it behind her and some people said it might have to be amputated cuz of infection.


      Amputation?? General Dog Discussions
    • Hey LilcountrygirlIt really depends on where you live. Just call some of the Vets in your area and ask. They can usually give you a reasonable idea over the phone. Nice that you are interested in getting this little one taken care of.Son had a Rottie that had to have a leg amputated. You would be amazed at how quickly they compensate. They get around just fine on 3 legs. We fondly nick-named him Tripod.Best of luck to you and this pup.Just read your edit. It certainly is easier for a pup to to do further damage to a leg like that. Just ask the Vets, what their experience has been in such cases. Would be a good idea to take this pup in for a quick check-up, since he likely will need worming and shots. That would be a good time for the Vet to explain what the options might be for the leg.

    • If the leg is dead, amputation is a must. She also needs to be checked for possible sepsis. At the clinic where I use to work, there was a staffy that had been injured, but the owners couldn't pay for amputation which would have been about 1200 dollars for everything. They just treated the infection and left the leg. The dog lived, and treatment was less than half of that. But he constantly had recurrent infections from dragging and chewing on the leg. They really ended up spending more that way than if they would have just left the dog in the hospital for amputation for a couple of days.At the clinic where I work now, it would be around seven hundred or so start to finish for the surgery and some follow up antibiotics. This vet wouldn't waste time trying to "save" the leg if it were dead, so the costs would be lower. If sepsis would be an issue, you would be looking at more money. It just depends on the blood tests and infection. The cost of care depends on the clinic, and how you choose to treat the dog. But I really would suggest amputation over simply treating infection if the leg has no feeling. You will end up spending more if you just leave it because dogs tend to chew and drag "dead" limbs.