Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((?

okay so I recently got a kitten from a friend that said the kitten was very sick, and since I use to foster, I figured I would take it and try to save it. When I got him, he was really weak and could only sit up at about 6 weeks old. I treated him for…

    Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((?

    okay so I recently got a kitten from a friend that said the kitten was very sick, and since I use to foster, I figured I would take it and try to save it. When I got him, he was really weak and could only sit up at about 6 weeks old. I treated him for…...
    General Dog Discussions : Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((?...

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    • Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((?

      Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((? General Dog Discussions
      okay so I recently got a kitten from a friend that said the kitten was very sick, and since I use to foster, I figured I would take it and try to save it. When I got him, he was really weak and could only sit up at about 6 weeks old. I treated him for flee anemia and he got better, started playing, etc...well, about a week and a half later, I woke up to find him puking and pooing himself in the living room, and he was standing there very still, and kinda wobbling....then, things got worse threw out the day....he got so he cant even stand, I thought he was going to die because He wouldnt eat and was panting really hard....and the kitten acted like It couldnt see, because whenever I had him on my lap and pet him randomly, he would jump like he was shot...and he was looking right at me....I just wanna know whats wrong, Ive been keeping him hydrated with an eye dropper and have been crushing vitamin C tablets and adding them to the water, is there anything I should get to help him get his strength up? and I cant take him to a vet because they are all closed around here. and the emergency vet told us all they could do was put him down, and I said no. I at least want to give him a chance at please dont say take him to a vet, I already did...

      Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((?

      Help! something is wrong with my kitten!! :((? General Dog Discussions
    • I am very sorry, but the vet is right. The best thing for the kitten is to not let it suffer any longer. Please take it to the vet to be put down. It's the right thing to do.

    • I think that the best this is to put him down. I don't believe there is much you can do anymore. Only thing you can do is just let him get put down that way your kitten wont have to suffer any longer. Very Sorry.

    • It is very nice of you to care for the kitten but if a vet has suggested that the kitten be euthanized, then that is probably what is best for the kitten. It does sound like it is already too late to save the kitten. It is a hard thing to do but you don't want it to suffer either. It is terrible to watch a kitten die...very sad. Please make the right decision to stop his suffering.

    • He sounds very sick. I know you don't want to hear this, but the best thing for him would be putting him down. Emergency vets have about a million and ten ways to help and save animals, if there was a way to save him they would have done so - if they telling you there isn't anything they can do, then that is the hard truth.One time a litter of three week old puppies was dropped off on my works doorstep. Even though two of them survived, the remaining 5 either died naturally or had to be euthanized. At first I thought it was completely insane that we could not treat them - we were AT A VET OFFICE! We WERE A VET OFFICE! But there was really nothing to be done - no treatment would have reversed how ill they were and to keep them alive because we all thought they *might* make it (wishful thinking), would be extremely selfish and us as a veterinary team would have to carry the guilt that we prolonged their pain longer than necessary. I know first hand how hard it is to accept something like this, and by all means, go to other vets for second opinions! But be prepared to say good-bye and please don't make him suffer longer than he needs to.

    • Sounds like fading kitten syndrome :'(You can try getting the kitten to eat Royal Canin Wet Recovery Food and water it down to a stew-like thickness. It worked for me with the 4 week old emaciated kitten my daughter brought home. The little guy couldn't even lift his limbs. Well it worked and he is now a healthy 6 month old neutered kitten. food is designed to stimulate the cat's appetite!Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Feline and Canine Recovery RS Formula Canned Food is a complete and balanced diet specifically designed for dogs and cats with or recovering from critical illness.ROYAL CANIN Veterinary Diet® canine and feline RECOVERY RSâ„¢ can is a complete and balanced diet specifically designed to assist in the management of dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens with or recovering from critical illness.Recommended for the following conditions:* Malnutrition, cachexia* Anorexia, inappetance* Nutritional support during critical illness and post surgical care* Convalescence* Tube feeding