Will you pray for this dog?

Anyone who's been following this question knows what it's about but for those of you who don't. I rescued a stray puppy this past Thursday. He was huddled underneath a bridge in the middle of a snowstorm. I took him to the vet Friday and he was…

    Will you pray for this dog?

    Anyone who's been following this question knows what it's about but for those of you who don't. I rescued a stray puppy this past Thursday. He was huddled underneath a bridge in the middle of a snowstorm. I took him to the vet Friday and he was…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will you pray for this dog?...

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    • Will you pray for this dog?

      Will you pray for this dog? General Dog Discussions
      Anyone who's been following this question knows what it's about but for those of you who don't. I rescued a stray puppy this past Thursday. He was huddled underneath a bridge in the middle of a snowstorm. I took him to the vet Friday and he was diagnosed with hookworms, whipworms, slight hypothermia and parvo. He is an 8 month old puppy (pit/dalmation mix) and we have named him Sonny. The vet gave me 2 options: 1)take him home and give him medicine OR 2) leave him at the hospital and they would treat him and he would stand a better chance. I left him there with them. I have been asking people to pray for his recovery and I am so thankful for all the prayers.This morning...well, actually about 30 minutes ago, I got a call from the hospital from one of the vets. He told me that Sonny had turned a corner. He was up in his cage and wagging his tail and moving around. The vet said he only threw up once last night but it wasn't anything fresh. He said that he is going to give his stomach until about noon and if he can hold all his food down I can go and get him and bring him back home with us to start his new life. YES!!!! I have been so worried about him and actually hearing the words "turned a corner"&"take him home" just makes me so happy. To be honest, I had actually driven by him a couple of times before stopping to get him. The first time I saw him at the top of a driveway for an apartment complex but I figured maybe he lives there because he turned and started walking back down towards them. The second time I passed him I saw him standing in a ditch in the middle of a web of limbs and whatnot. I drove for a few minutes and then told myself something was wrong and he was a stray or a dumpout. I turned around and drove back but I couldn't find him. I drove a good ways in both directions and looked out my windows but I couldn't find him. I was so mad because I knew I waited too long to turn around. Finally, I decided to turn onto this dirt road and park and get out. Turns out I parked on a bridge. Couldn't tell it was a bridge because everything was so overgrown around it. I got out and went down the bank on one side and called but got no response. I started to get in the car and saw that there was another side so I went down the bank on the right and just happened to glance to my left and found him under the bridge huddled up next to the concrete. I called and he came to me. Three times a charm I guess and now we get to keep him and give him a loving new life!!Thanks you guys!! After I pick him up tomorrow (hopefully) I will post the same question which will tell you how he is settling in. And then after I have had him here a couple of days I will post this question again to give another update.

      Will you pray for this dog?

      Will you pray for this dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I have been following your tale and am very happy that your new dog is doing wellKudos to you for being a wonderful person and rescuing him. I am sure that his life as well as your families will be enriched by being a part of each others lives.Congratulations on your new family member and many years of happiness and love together!

    • What a wonderful thing you did!!!!!! So glad to hear Sonny is doing better. You will never have a better best friend! Of course all prayers are with you and Sonny, let us know how is doing! Good-Luck!

    • YAY! I actually JUST prayed for him when i found this question again and I'm just so happy! I hope he has the best life with you (i'm sure he will). BTW thank you so much for taking him to a vet and then giving him a home it's just such a nice thing to do.GOOD LUCK WITH HIM!

    • I'm so happy he has turned around! His story will always be a wonderful one, and it's because you took the time to care about this sick puppy. Thank you again for doing such a wonderful thing for Sonny. He definitely deserves it! Best of luck to the both of you.

    • WOO HOO!! Im so happy that hes doing good,Im almost in tears!! its the sad tales like that that just gives one hope for everything!! (I have been following and praying for 3 days :D)