why do male dogs need to get fixed?

i want to get my male beagle fixed (he's about a year old)my mom doesnt want to go through the trouble, and pay so much, so she keeps saying there is no reason to fix my puppy, as he won't make babies or anything.please give me some simple reasons why…

    why do male dogs need to get fixed?

    i want to get my male beagle fixed (he's about a year old)my mom doesnt want to go through the trouble, and pay so much, so she keeps saying there is no reason to fix my puppy, as he won't make babies or anything.please give me some simple reasons why…...
    General Dog Discussions : why do male dogs need to get fixed?...

    • why do male dogs need to get fixed?

      why do male dogs need to get fixed? General Dog Discussions
      i want to get my male beagle fixed (he's about a year old)my mom doesnt want to go through the trouble, and pay so much, so she keeps saying there is no reason to fix my puppy, as he won't make babies or anything.please give me some simple reasons why male dogs need to get fixed.also, is it too late for my puppy to get fixed? i heard they're supposed to at 6 months?

      why do male dogs need to get fixed?

      why do male dogs need to get fixed? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, probably the biggest reason is that your dog may not end up under an 18 wheeler when he smells a bytch in heat nearby.Late Entry : I guess the shitpoints are from avid fans of Disney movies?? :) Get a life, morons :)))

    • You can get an animal altered as early as 6 months, some recommend before. Fixing a male animal will calm their demeanor, which will help with aggression, the tendency for them to run away. It is also said that it can combat ailments and diseases older animals gets. It is the only sure fire way to keep him from breeding. If your mom is concerned about the cost of it, you can check local organizations that do free or cheap alterings and shots for people with low income.

    • Well you can't fix your dog until its six months old not the other way around so he can still be fixed. Its always good to get your dog fixed for one if it runs off one day it wont go and get all the neighborhoods girl dogs pregnant, also it can tone done the aggression of your male dog. Hope it helps!

    • I honestly don't think you'd be to late to get em fixed.. I'd say that if your dog isn't around other female dogs the likely hood of him getting fixed you wouldn't need too..but they claim if a dog is fixed he may or may not hike his leg to everything site... goodluck

    • I got my Chihuahua fixed when he was about 9 months ( soon after I got him). It helped his temperament. There are health issues to worry about. Also, how would you like your little guy to go and get someone's little girl pregnant? The price, that can vary. You should call your vet, or an animal shelter to see if there is a program that helps spay and neuter in your area. That is how mine was done, and the others will be done that way. You dont have to pay the extra cost, just the absolute bill, I think I paid around 50.00 for Telly to be neutered. That is a lot better than the cost of paying for a surgery for anything that could have went wrong with him later on.

    • It is not as necessary as it is for cats as male cats are impossible to live with un-neutered (spraying, roaming, smelling, etc.). The reasons are that if he gets off his lead he may have sex and make puppies. It eliminates the risk of testicular cancer. It often makes them less agressive. It can stop them humping things like your leg or the furniture. If he is never going to be allowed to use them then it is kinder to remove them so he doesn't know what he is missing. It is never too late to do the operation it will just be a bit bigger of an operation for him (but it is still minor surgery).

    • I dont think there are reasons dogs HAVE to get fixed, it is the owners choice. But most male dogs get very territorial, they hump stuff, grumpy at times, thaat type of stuff. I have 3 dogs so I know. lol. The ealriest age for dogs to get is 6 MONTHS, I dont think you should get your dog fixed when he is really older becasue when they put him to sleep, some of the chemicals or whatever might harm him. Good Luck! And I hope this helps.P.S. I dont think it is too late.

    • Dogs tend to be more aggressive if they aren't fixed. Especially if you want to get another dog in the future, you won't have to worry about the aggression. The younger (6 months) you get him neutered the better it will be for him. Young dogs recover faster! Honestly, you never know what will happen when it comes around the season it can get uncontrollable even if you try to keep him inside. Check your local SPCA they either do it cheap or free!

    • Dogs will do anythiing to mate with a b itch in heat. They can and will run away, travel a mile, jump fences just to get to her. Also it will help with his dominance issues and marking if he has any. Cuts down on a lot of aggression and helps prevent some medical issues which can prove to be more expesive than the cost of getting him neutered.It is never too late to get a puppy fixed. Ideally should be done at 6 months or earlier so they never experience the need, however it will still help a lot in the long run to get him neutered now. If you decide not to neuter him, you have to keep a eye on him at all times and have him properly confined if he shows any signs of trying to go and mate, so he does not run away and get lost or injured as a result. Also, there is a lot of pet overpopulation and unwanted pets are being put to sleep by thousands in shelters. Most people do not wish to contribute to this problem and be responsible for unwated litters, so do try to get him neutered as soon as you can. There is no predicting you can prevent it 100% so to be on the safe side just spend some money now and enjoy your pet without any worries.

    • OKAY- HERE ARE THE REASONS; FROM A PERSON WHO KNOWS1- male dogs left intact have a high rate of developing testicular cancer and prostate cancer- this risk is elimanted by fixing them(TRUST ME- MY HUSBAND IS A VET AND HAD TO PUT AN OLDER INTACT MALE TO SLEEP THIS LAST WEEK BECAUSE HE HAD PROSTATE CANCER AND COULD NOT PEE)2- male dogs who are not fixed normally cost double to obtain a license for from your city or county.3- Most dogs hit by car each spring/summer- are intact males out looking for that female in heat they can smell- their nose is sooo strong that they can smell her up to 1 1/2 miles away- so you may not even know about the dog- but your male will!!

    • He will make babies if he gets the chance, just not at your house, but someone else will still have that problem to deal with. These dogs often end up unwanted and killed in shelters, millions of them every year. But if that's not enough of a reason, here's some more. It lowers the risk of testicular cancer in many pure bred dogs. It often keeps male dogs from becoming overly aggressive and developing other behavior problems like marking their territory in the home, biting others or trying to dominate others with growling and barking and mounting. In general they are often calmer more friendly animals. You might be contractually bound to have the dog fixed depending on who you bought the dog from. If you bought the dog from a shelter, they can force you to nueter the dog or surrender it back to them. In many cities now, you either have to produce a breeders license or have your pet fixed or face a fine for not doing it. You often receive discounts on pet licensing fee for fixed dogs. You can often find low cost spay and nueter clinics through your local animal shelter. You are not too late, it shouldn't be done prior to 6 months, but can be done at any age after that.