Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?

I have a 13 year old mixed breed dog who I believe has prostate problems. We have an appointment with the vet on Friday.I recently lost a 16 year old cat who got very thin, despite eating and drinking much more than usual in the weeks before he died. …

    Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?

    I have a 13 year old mixed breed dog who I believe has prostate problems. We have an appointment with the vet on Friday.I recently lost a 16 year old cat who got very thin, despite eating and drinking much more than usual in the weeks before he died. …...
    General Dog Discussions : Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?...

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    • Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?

      Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 13 year old mixed breed dog who I believe has prostate problems. We have an appointment with the vet on Friday.I recently lost a 16 year old cat who got very thin, despite eating and drinking much more than usual in the weeks before he died. My dog has lost weight, but is eating and drinking ravenously - much more than ever.Is this common behavior for animals who are nearing death?

      Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die?

      Do dogs show any specific behaviors just before they die? General Dog Discussions
    • If on Friday they tell you bad news and he turns out to be really sick I think you should keep in mind getting him put down. It is so sad that people keep dogs just to be in pain. It that's the case you should let you dog go and feel better.