Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?

If you have a male dog that is not castrated and will never be. Do you have to allow the dog to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?Please do not come on here telling me to castrate my dog because it goes against my personal beliefs thank-you.

    Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?

    If you have a male dog that is not castrated and will never be. Do you have to allow the dog to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?Please do not come on here telling me to castrate my dog because it goes against my personal beliefs thank-you....
    General Dog Discussions : Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?...

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    • Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?

      Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer? General Dog Discussions
      If you have a male dog that is not castrated and will never be. Do you have to allow the dog to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?Please do not come on here telling me to castrate my dog because it goes against my personal beliefs thank-you.

      Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer?

      Do Male dogs have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer? General Dog Discussions
    • This is a question for your vet. And no, I don't think you have to allow your dog to mate.Animals don't have sex. They mate for procreation. If you're not going to neuter your dog, you can at least prevent him from procreating.

    • NO. He does not need to sire a litter in order to prevent ANY health problems.Keeping an intact animal is fine, I have no problem with that, but you need to learn how to do your own research (vet, peer-reviewed journals) so that you can do so without compromising the dog's health or adding to pet overpopulation.There are NO health benefits to allowing him to breed.

    • Where on earth did you hear that? I live in a country where castration is the exception and not the rule, and I have never heard anything like that.But, no, a male dog does not have to have sex to prevent prostate cancer.