Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open?

One of the puppies from the litter slightly opend one of her eyes and is crying more than usual, I'm wondering if that would have anything to do with eye opening.

    Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open?

    One of the puppies from the litter slightly opend one of her eyes and is crying more than usual, I'm wondering if that would have anything to do with eye opening....
    General Dog Discussions : Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open?...

    • Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open?

      Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open? General Dog Discussions
      One of the puppies from the litter slightly opend one of her eyes and is crying more than usual, I'm wondering if that would have anything to do with eye opening.

      Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open?

      Do puppies tend to cry while eyes are begining to open? General Dog Discussions
    • some do yes. its like when babies are born they scream, because seeign the world for the first time is terrifying. all puppies that i have known have cried their little hearts out durring this time. what soothes them is places them in their own puppy bed with a hott walter bottle (water bag) under a comfortable blacket and a ticking alarm clock next to them. the squishy feeling of the water bottle and the ticking of the clock reminds them of being in their moms belly. i can help to ease the transition. but if all else fails, maybe call your vet to see what's up.

    • Sometimes, check the temperature of the bedding and always make sure that it stays constant. Low temperatures will irratate them, and even cause health problems...

    • Yes they do but not bad usually most never even notice the puppies doing this. Be very careful and don't handle then a lot till they get their eyes open. They can get what they call sore eye. It is a infection of the eye. If it worse than the rest of it's litter mates you may want to check with your vet to be safe. Good luck hope this helps