How do I take care of a puppy?

What are the pointers that we should take in mind when taking care of a puppy like what to feed etc?

    How do I take care of a puppy?

    What are the pointers that we should take in mind when taking care of a puppy like what to feed etc?...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I take care of a puppy?...

    • How do I take care of a puppy?

      How do I take care of a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      What are the pointers that we should take in mind when taking care of a puppy like what to feed etc?

      How do I take care of a puppy?

      How do I take care of a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • To know all this before you get the puppy.Go to the library or a book store and get some books on how to raise a puppy and how to train a puppy. What to feed it, depends on you and the dog, you can feed it dry kibble, wet foods (I do not recommend) dogs rolls, raw foods, cooked foods, the list goes on, depends what you wish to feed it and how well the dog actually does on your choice, be prepared to possibly change the food if you go for a dog food, some are better than other, but sometimes dogs don't do well on a dog food, so at some point it may become trail and error to find something that sits well with your dog.

    • training will be helpful with housebreaking and whatnotChew toys are your friendBrushesDe shedding tool like the furminator if a high shedding dogBowls BedFlea/Tick preventativeHeartworm medicationThe contact information for a local groomer and a vet (can be found on in a prong collar tags