My puppy is throwing up long worms that look like spaghetti?

My puppy is throwing up long worms that look like spagetti....can you tell me what kind they are?OK, maybe I should have been more clear when asking this question. So let me clear this up now!:My puppy is only 4 weeks old and lives with her mother. (who…

    My puppy is throwing up long worms that look like spaghetti?

    My puppy is throwing up long worms that look like spagetti....can you tell me what kind they are?OK, maybe I should have been more clear when asking this question. So let me clear this up now!:My puppy is only 4 weeks old and lives with her mother. (who…...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy is throwing up long worms that look like spaghetti?...

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    • YOU NEED TO TAKE HIm to the vet!!!! Roundworms!!! Thats not good for the puppy!!!

    • theyre lg round worms and if the dog is so infested that its throwing them up i'd get it to the vet asap to be vet wormed by the way ive never had anyluck with nemex or nemex 2 your best bet is vet wormer either panicur or strongid both of these get rid of lg round , hook worms , and tape worms if used correctly make sure to ask your vet about proper dosage amount and how many days in a row to worm the puppy with strongid is normally 1 day

    • Roundworms, please call your vet asap!! You can treat them over the counter with a product called "safe guard" but if he is throwing them up he really should see a vet.

    • Probably tape worms! TAKE THE PUPPY TO THE VET!!!!! This could kill your puppy if you don't take care of the problem now!If left go you cross over from pet parent to animal abuser!

    • It does not matter what kind of worms they are, only that they are worms and that the puppy is throwing up. Take it to the vet and ask your questions there!

    • There round worms...but dont panic..My pup had them and i talked to a vet and they said to use Safe guard dewormer.They sell it at Pet Co, Petsmart.,etcAnd it works!!! Alot of people say that it doesn't work but its the 3 days my pup was fine. Its a powder that you put in their food for 3 days..

    • They are roundworms. You need to get the appropriate dewormer from your vet. Do NOT use OTC dewormers..they are ineffective and can be very dangerous to your dog.As for heartworms, the only way to know if a dog has these is by way of a bloodtest..they aren't visible in stool, they don't live in the digestive tract, they don't get vomited up, also puppies under 6 months old don't have them since it takes 6 months for the microfilia from an infected mosquito to present itself.***** If the breeder you are getting this puppy from is not familiar with roundworms which is the most common worm in puppies I suggest rethink buying from them..this is a major red flag that shouts irresponsible breeder who doesn't know proper newborn puppy care and should not be breeding*****

    • The worms you are seeing are ascarids, better know has round worms. Very common in puppies. There are medications that you can buy over the counter, but they often aren't strong enough to do the job. Any type of worms can make a puppy very sick in a short amount of time. To get the proper medicine I would take your puppy to a vet ASAP. Also it is not uncommon for a puppy with worms to have more than one kind. There are a number of worms that are microscopic, not visible to the eye. Take a stool sample with you to your appointment.