What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive?

He is up-to-date with all of his shots that they are supposed to get when they are puppies. Is there a vaccine he should be receiving now that he is 1 years old?

    What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive?

    He is up-to-date with all of his shots that they are supposed to get when they are puppies. Is there a vaccine he should be receiving now that he is 1 years old?...
    General Dog Discussions : What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive?...

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    • What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive?

      What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive? General Dog Discussions
      He is up-to-date with all of his shots that they are supposed to get when they are puppies. Is there a vaccine he should be receiving now that he is 1 years old?

      What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive?

      What vaccine should my 1 year old dog receive? General Dog Discussions
    • All of her first Rabies and DHPP are good for 1 year. Call your vet and they'll tell you when she needs them updated. It will be sometime in the next few months.Here is a scehdulehttp://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/dog-vaccination-schedule-for-puppys-first-year.html

    • your vet knows...rabies and DHLPP ..to the person who said dogs only need to be vaccinated every 3 years, that is not 100% true. Not all states allow the 3 year shots so you will have to check with your state or ask your vet if your state allows this.