My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks?

My dog does not have bronchitis and is up to date on all his shots, but because my dog is walked out of doors my friend's vet said that he may have brought home the virus on his paws. Is this possible? Does anyone have experience with this?

    My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks?

    My dog does not have bronchitis and is up to date on all his shots, but because my dog is walked out of doors my friend's vet said that he may have brought home the virus on his paws. Is this possible? Does anyone have experience with this?...
    General Dog Discussions : My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks?...

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    • My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks?

      My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks? General Dog Discussions
      My dog does not have bronchitis and is up to date on all his shots, but because my dog is walked out of doors my friend's vet said that he may have brought home the virus on his paws. Is this possible? Does anyone have experience with this?

      My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks?

      My friend claims that her puppy contracted bronchitis from exposure to my dog -who is taken for daily walks? General Dog Discussions
    • I am not so sure. I guess it is possible. I just adopted my dog last week and she came down with kennel cough (what I am guessing your friends dog has). I have been reading a lot about it and it is highly contagious. You can pass it on from petting a dog who has it then petting one that doesn't. Our vet said to be very careful and not to take her for walks, or out of the house, until she is over it. But I am guessing if your dog gave it to her your dog would have it to...unless your dog has had the bordetella vaccination...mine did is not one they usually give with all the others.

    • Dogs do not get "bronchitis", and if your dog has had it's Bordetella shot (kennel cough), then your dog is not the source of the puppies illness. Bordetella does not get tracked in on paws, it is an air-born viral and bacterial respiratory infection. Any un-vaccinated dog or puppy can transmit the disease by barking, sneezing, sharing water, or sniffing or licking where an infected dog has been. This is not some dirty disease like Parvo, or Distemper, it's just like getting the Flu. If her puppy has had it's shots, it also would not be sick.