What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house?

I'm a bit confused about whether to start crate training as soon as my puppy gets here or let her familiarize herself then start crate training later. I've read on some sites that I shouldn't be training the puppy at all the first day. On other sites…

    What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house?

    I'm a bit confused about whether to start crate training as soon as my puppy gets here or let her familiarize herself then start crate training later. I've read on some sites that I shouldn't be training the puppy at all the first day. On other sites…...
    General Dog Discussions : What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house?...

    • What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house?

      What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house? General Dog Discussions
      I'm a bit confused about whether to start crate training as soon as my puppy gets here or let her familiarize herself then start crate training later. I've read on some sites that I shouldn't be training the puppy at all the first day. On other sites I've read that I should train her as soon as she sets her paws in the house. Also, what exactly should I do the first day and what would I do for the rest of the week? I think I'm going to crate train and then teach obedience but I'm not sure when to do these things. Thanks in advance! Y!A has helped a lot these past couple days.Also, does crate training mean that they spend their time in the crate majority of the time except when they have to use the bathroom? I know that if they use the bathroom outside, you reward them by playing, but after that, would you put her back into her crate?To the rude answerer:I am not just "throwing the dog in a cage", I am simply teaching her that she sleeps there. I will give her treats and toys for comfort. Next time, please think twice about answering with such hostility.

      What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house?

      What should I do as soon as my puppy arrives at my house? General Dog Discussions
    • You start crate training as soon as it sets paw in your house after all that is where he will be sleeping. You can start the other training whenever you want just remember to keep the sessions short as their attention span is very short.

    • You do what the hell what you want with your own damn dog. Crate training is fuckin cruelty and my dog lives in a fenced in yard in the country at my house. And I have seen people throw their dogs in damn crates and the poor things just sit and cry. How would you like to be locked in a fuckin cage to sleep? Huh?Damn yall are some dumbasses

    • If he seems tired, immediately put him in the crate, let him sleep. AS SOON AS HE WAKES UP bring him to his 'bathroom area' (don't bring him outside if he hasn't gotten his 3 rounds of shots from the vets yet). Let him play a little, don't watch him, give him toys and let him explore. Watch out for signs of peeing/pooping. For the first few weeks (like 1-2 months) take him out only to pee then let him play and then put him back in. He needs to feel that his crate is his home.Good and helpful videos (watch before getting puppy!):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_X13V54idkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W058M4Qdychttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro0KH6hAnHAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Xwz8g4ki0As soon as your puppy is home, he should have a solid schedule which you MUST Follow!6/7am = Eat + Poop + Pee (they poop 10 minutes after eating)7:30-8 = Play8 = SleepPee = depends... 2 month puppy = every 1-2 hrs, 3 month = 2-3 hrs, and so on.This pattern continues until 6pm = eating + poop + peeHe should sleep right after peeing and sleep in your room in his crate for the first few weeks.He should sleep most of the day if he is young.First: Crate Train (easy, not much to do, I didn't need to do this at all, from the start, my puppy was fine in his crate because when I was bringing him home I put him straight in his crate in the car.)Second: Potty Training!! MOST IMPORTANTThird: Leash TrainingFourth: Obedience Training (take him for sessions at petco or petsmart, their training is amazing!)Fifth: Teach Tricks!Hope I helped! Goodluck with your puppy :)