10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots?

I took my 10 week old pitbull in about 5 hours ago and he got his first shots. The area where they put the shots is very swollen and it seems to be painful if it is touched or if he rolls over on it. Is this an allergy or something i need to be worried…

    10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots?

    I took my 10 week old pitbull in about 5 hours ago and he got his first shots. The area where they put the shots is very swollen and it seems to be painful if it is touched or if he rolls over on it. Is this an allergy or something i need to be worried…...
    General Dog Discussions : 10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots?...

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    • 10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots?

      10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots? General Dog Discussions
      I took my 10 week old pitbull in about 5 hours ago and he got his first shots. The area where they put the shots is very swollen and it seems to be painful if it is touched or if he rolls over on it. Is this an allergy or something i need to be worried about?

      10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots?

      10 wk old pitbull puppy swollen from first shots? General Dog Discussions
    • sometimes after their shots they can get allergic reactions that can last up to 4 weeks, and sometimes they don't even appear right away. Their usually in the form of lumps on their body's. I had a rescue pup that had a huge lump where she had gotten her shot, so I took her to the vet and they explained that its usually from one of their shots and it will go away. It took a few weeks though. Her's wasn't sore, so if your concerned about it call a 24 hour vet emergency clinic and ask them, they are usually happy to answer any questions.

    • good for you for getting his first set of shots. all puppies react different to shots just like we do. if his swelling is not gone by tomorrow then call your vet, otherwise i would not worry. he should sleep most of the day to, it's normal.

    • a little swelling is normal. He may even be a little lethargic afterwards. Each animal is different. My dog it doesn't even bother him but my cat she just lays around for about a day afterwards. Watch him closely. If he is not any better in a day or two call the vet.

    • This is actually very common. I had the same problem when vaccinating all of our Pitbulls, as well as a litter of pups we had. The swelling does eventually subside. Congrats on the pup also by the way. If this is the first of the breed you've had....let me be the first to tell you, you will not be dissapointed!! : )

    • Your dog is probably having a little vaccine reaction. You can give him a little bit of BABY asprin. If he weighs less than 12 pounds give him a half of a tablet, if he is over 12 pounds give him a whole tablet.

    • A lot of time it does this at the site of the shot my vets say you can give it baby aspirin but you will need to call a vet for the amount it goes by weight a few years back mine had a reaction its face swelled and it was breathing hard if it does this CALL your vet ASAP this is a reaction