my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong?

We found our dog with a lot of poo stuck on the hair of his butt we cleaned it but his anal is swelled up and its also red and his whole is very dialated. It also seems to be itchy because he rubs his butt on the ground.

    my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong?

    We found our dog with a lot of poo stuck on the hair of his butt we cleaned it but his anal is swelled up and its also red and his whole is very dialated. It also seems to be itchy because he rubs his butt on the ground....
    General Dog Discussions : my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong?...

    • my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong?

      my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong? General Dog Discussions
      We found our dog with a lot of poo stuck on the hair of his butt we cleaned it but his anal is swelled up and its also red and his whole is very dialated. It also seems to be itchy because he rubs his butt on the ground.

      my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong?

      my dogs anal is very swelled up and his butt whole is very open what is wrong? General Dog Discussions
    • Could be a prolapsed rectum-VERY painful, and needs surgery to correct. Or it could be an impacted anal gland also VERY painful, and would probably need to be sedated to fix. Time for the vet!

    • sounds like an infection from poop being caked on his butt! cut the hair all around his rectum and put some neosporin on it several times a day. Keep it cut short (apotty path) so this doesn't happen again if you cant watch closely enough to notice it before it gets that bad

    • Is he intact? Dogs can get a rectal prolapse if they have an enlarged prostate. He does need to see a vet. If he strains from prostate issues, it can cause a perianal hernia. Even if it is just irritation from the feces that were there, he needs some antibiotics to help clear it up. But an enlarged prostate in a male can be a big problem in dogs, so he needs to see his vet.There is always the possibility that it is his anal glands infected too. They would need to be drained and some antibiotics.