A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.?

I have a 4 month old male boxer. I noticed he has a knot or bump on the back of his neck close to his shoulders. The knot is getting bigger and bigger. It does not seem to bother him and doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it. Has anyone ever had…

    A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.?

    I have a 4 month old male boxer. I noticed he has a knot or bump on the back of his neck close to his shoulders. The knot is getting bigger and bigger. It does not seem to bother him and doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it. Has anyone ever had…...
    General Dog Discussions : A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.?...

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    • A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.?

      A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 4 month old male boxer. I noticed he has a knot or bump on the back of his neck close to his shoulders. The knot is getting bigger and bigger. It does not seem to bother him and doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it. Has anyone ever had something like this with their dogs?

      A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.?

      A knot on the back of the neck on my boxer puppy. I notices it a couple of days ago, it is getting larger.? General Dog Discussions
    • It could very well be a tumor. Boxers are tumor proned dogs. We had one when I was younger who got a tumor in her mouth when she was about 4 years. We didnt take care of it then, by the time she was 10 it had taken over her mouth and ate away at her teeth, if we had taken care of it when we first saw the lump, she would have been with us longer.