8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye?

It just happened this morning. It got better during the afternoon but its swollen pretty badly now. I'm taking her to the vet first thing tomorrow. What could be causing it? And what can I do at home to help alleviate the irritation?

    8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye?

    It just happened this morning. It got better during the afternoon but its swollen pretty badly now. I'm taking her to the vet first thing tomorrow. What could be causing it? And what can I do at home to help alleviate the irritation?...
    General Dog Discussions : 8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye?...

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    • 8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye?

      8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye? General Dog Discussions
      It just happened this morning. It got better during the afternoon but its swollen pretty badly now. I'm taking her to the vet first thing tomorrow. What could be causing it? And what can I do at home to help alleviate the irritation?

      8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye?

      8 month old lab puppy has swollen and red eye? General Dog Discussions
    • Your puppy could be having an allergic reaction to something. Or bumped into something while your back was turned? What you could do is probably have fresh air around your puppy, as opposed to possibly stuffy rooms. no exposure to sunlight, and if your puppy paws at his eye, maybe drip some cool water into the eye. Hope your lab gets all sorted out tomorrow!

    • well im not positive but you can probably get a wet washcloth and gently rub it, don't use soap or anything just water.. so what can be causing it well she could have bumped it or allergic reaction and also dogs can get pink eye just like we can.. so ya wet washcloth is my best answer..hope this helps... hope your dog feels better.

    • She could of gotten something in her eye that irritated it and is causing the redness and swelling. This happened to my moms puppy once and she took her to the vet and they flushed her eye and a piece of garden weed came out of her eye. They sent her home with some medicated drops and she was looking normal again within a week. Check her eye and keep it clean until you get her to the vet she could have something in there. Try some ice for the swelling