is there such a thing as a british line rottie ?

i saw a very small rottie girl down the vets the other day , and thought it was a cross as my 6 month old half cross rottie was catching up on this year old " full " british line rottie , is there such a thing as a british line rottie , or do you think…

    is there such a thing as a british line rottie ?

    i saw a very small rottie girl down the vets the other day , and thought it was a cross as my 6 month old half cross rottie was catching up on this year old " full " british line rottie , is there such a thing as a british line rottie , or do you think…...
    General Dog Discussions : is there such a thing as a british line rottie ?...

    • is there such a thing as a british line rottie ?

      is there such a thing as a british line rottie ? General Dog Discussions
      i saw a very small rottie girl down the vets the other day , and thought it was a cross as my 6 month old half cross rottie was catching up on this year old " full " british line rottie , is there such a thing as a british line rottie , or do you think they have been dupped into some bad poorly bred rottie .,

      is there such a thing as a british line rottie ?

      is there such a thing as a british line rottie ? General Dog Discussions
    • Different strains of the same breed often diverge in type when isolated from one another by geography or other factors. The continental shepherds (Dutch Shepherd, Belgian Shepherd, Beauceron, German Shepherd, others) are all geographic and cultural/function derivatives of the same original stock, for example. I would disbelieve that the small size was characteristic of "british" Rotts as their standard calls for a minimum height 1" taller than the American standard (maximum heights are the same in both standards). She may have just been petite, or she may have just been a small-end-of-normal Rott, and you (as most Americans) are used to the well-over-standard size of Rott - they are *supposed* to be only a few inches taller than a standard-conforming Labrador (which are also bred too large in the US...).To sum up: there ARE regional or national variations of a breed but without more information it is difficult to say if this dog was "typical" of British Rotts, actually descended from British lines, or a scam to dupe an unsuspecting puppy buyer...