Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint?

My 4 month old mini pom broke his radius and fractured his ulna. He is in a splint now (they had to set his bones back), and I understand that it may be causing him pain. The thing is, he'll be asleep and just wake up yelping. Is there some reason he…

    Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint?

    My 4 month old mini pom broke his radius and fractured his ulna. He is in a splint now (they had to set his bones back), and I understand that it may be causing him pain. The thing is, he'll be asleep and just wake up yelping. Is there some reason he…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint?...

    • Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint?

      Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 month old mini pom broke his radius and fractured his ulna. He is in a splint now (they had to set his bones back), and I understand that it may be causing him pain. The thing is, he'll be asleep and just wake up yelping. Is there some reason he could be doing this besides pain? Also, what exactly would his toes look like swollen? I'm just really worried about him, I've never had a dog with a broken arm. Any advice will help!

      Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint?

      Why does my puppy still whine after being put in a splint? General Dog Discussions
    • He probably moves the wrong way when he is sleeping, jarring the injured area. Keep feeling his foot , if it is too hot or too cold then call the vet. Compare it to his other feet to make sure they all feel the same, (too cold, loss of circulation -bandages too tight, too hot, infection setting in)

    • Poor baby. He is in pain. Tell your vet, maybe he needs more pain medication. Compare his toes to the toes on the other foot to see if they're swollen. Just do your best to keep him as comfortable as possible. Good luck with your pup.