Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate?

So we got my five year old dachshund neutered because the vet told us he had an enlarged prostate and that neutering him will make the prostate shrink back to normal he used to be playful and happy and when this happened he become sad and doesnt run of…

    Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate?

    So we got my five year old dachshund neutered because the vet told us he had an enlarged prostate and that neutering him will make the prostate shrink back to normal he used to be playful and happy and when this happened he become sad and doesnt run of…...
    General Dog Discussions : Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate?...

    • Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate?

      Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate? General Dog Discussions
      So we got my five year old dachshund neutered because the vet told us he had an enlarged prostate and that neutering him will make the prostate shrink back to normal he used to be playful and happy and when this happened he become sad and doesnt run of anything so we got him neutered around 4 days ago he's still sluggish and doesn't wanna play or anything how long will it take him to be normal again how long will the prostate take to shrink back down? Thank you so much!

      Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate?

      Question about my dog getting neutered and his enlarge prostate? General Dog Discussions
    • I had to have one of my Newfoundlands neutered because of an enlarged prostate at the age of 5, also. Yes, the prostate did return to normal when he was re-examined - I think he was examined 6 weeks post op? Give your Doxie some time, it took a good two weeks for my boy to start feeling like his old self again. BTW, nothing changed personality wise, he is still a sweet, playful boy. Once your dog is neutered, you may notice an increased interest in food. You just have to monitor the food intake to keep your Dachshund from gaining too much weight.