How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!?

We are taking my pregnant cat to the vet today because she has tapeworms. (They said they have safe shot for pregnant cats) Her kitten are due in 2 days and we don't want them to be infected also. She is getting the injection. How long does it take to…

    How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!?

    We are taking my pregnant cat to the vet today because she has tapeworms. (They said they have safe shot for pregnant cats) Her kitten are due in 2 days and we don't want them to be infected also. She is getting the injection. How long does it take to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!?...

    • How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!?

      How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!? General Dog Discussions
      We are taking my pregnant cat to the vet today because she has tapeworms. (They said they have safe shot for pregnant cats) Her kitten are due in 2 days and we don't want them to be infected also. She is getting the injection. How long does it take to kill all the parasites? Should we start washing all of her beading today or wait?

      How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!?

      How long does it take the tapeworm injection on a cat to work? PLEASE HELP!? General Dog Discussions
    • The injection of Praniquantel will begin to work within hours and all the tapeworms should be dead within a couple of days. You may see a few segments excreted in her feces but for the most part she will simply digest them. So don't think that is hasn't worked just because you don't see anything. You should have the treatment repeated in four weeks. If it will be too big of a deal to go back to the vet's for the shot then tell the vet and ask for an oral dose to bring home with you to give her when the 2nd dose is due. You also need to control fleas to control tapeworms. Tapeworms depend on the presence of fleas so there must be some on the cat or in the environment. And you must not use ANY flea treatment whatsoever that is not prescribed by the vet!!! All the over-the-counter flea products are rubbish and most of them are very highly toxic and have killed many cats, dogs, kittens, and puppies. Read : That article applies not only to Hartz but to the other common flea products sold in pet stores and supermarkets also. None of them are safe. So please also ask the vet about safe flea control while you are there. You can wash her bedding using any laundry detergent. make sure that it goes through the rinse cycle TWICE to remove any detergent residues that might be bad for the kittens. Dry on high heat for at least 30 minutes. This will help to kill any fleas eggs. And while you are at the vet's office be sure to talk with the vet about the best time for your cat to be spayed. Good luck.