reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy?

This is what happened.. I have been researching breeds for about a year with in the first week of looking up different dog breeds I cam across yorkies and fell in love with them. I found a breeder started talking with them got references and what not and…

    reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy?

    This is what happened.. I have been researching breeds for about a year with in the first week of looking up different dog breeds I cam across yorkies and fell in love with them. I found a breeder started talking with them got references and what not and…...
    General Dog Discussions : reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy?...

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    • reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy?

      reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy? General Dog Discussions
      This is what happened.. I have been researching breeds for about a year with in the first week of looking up different dog breeds I cam across yorkies and fell in love with them. I found a breeder started talking with them got references and what not and my mom was okay with me getting a puppy then I don't know what happened.. I already had the puppy picked out from a breeder I found then she was like no.. you can get one this fall. Now she is totally avoiding the question and I can't get her to tell me.. I found another breeder with a puppy I've checked references and everything I figured out all the costs between the puppy itself the vet bills food leash harness toys xpen and everything and I have the money how to get her to let me get a puppy? The house is big enough.. I am responsible.. we have a dog and cat right now so its not like the land lord wont let us.. the land lord is my grandfather too.. And he says I should be getting one.. Anyways ideas?Thanks.. Its been hard because he fiancee agrees that I shouldnt but I mean look at it this way.. My cat doesnt get along with my dog so my dog doesnt have a companion.. I take care of both my cat and dog.. I walk my dog and feed him every day after school except for when I am sick.. I make sure that he spends atleast a few hours playing around in the grass and whatever since hes cooped up in the house all day.. I joined a yorkie forum to learn more about yorkies and she just isnt telling me why not.. When she said this fall I made her prommise that I could well now its the fall and shes still saying no.tismy.. thanks so much.. I'm going to talk to her tonight. I'll probably write the contract like now :)

      reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy?

      reconvincing my mom to let me get a puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • get your grandfather to convince your mom to let you get that puppy. Yorkies are great house dogs. My cousin and her mom have one and they just follow them around the house. The only thing is they love to bark. I am sure that you could train them not to keep barking at strangers.

    • i've had the same problem recently, and i live on my own and pay my rent and all my bills. the only thing i can suggest is to go to your mom when she can't avoid you and sit down and talk to her. don't lose your temper, but act like an adult. state your position and the pros and cons for the puppy and gather up all of your research and present it to your mom, especially the financial aspects. tell her how you will come up with the money to care for the puppy, and sign a contract with her stating that you will take full responsibility of the pup and if you back out of your part of the bargain, you understand that you will have to give him up.

    • It sounds like you have done a lot of work in prep for this dog - which is absolutely wonderful. If more dog owners took the time and dedication that you have, there would be a lot less problems in the animal world, less dog bites and much better pets.That being said, if you are living with your mom, which I gather you are, then unfortunately her word is final.However, I would set up a time to talk with her, possible over a meal, but never in front of the TV or computer. You need some place where you will have her undivided attention.Practice first, gather your facts and figures, and present your case in a calm, positive manner. State all the facts, including your thoughts about the current pets you have now.At the conclusion, allow your mom to state her case. Ask her why the change in heart, and what is her reasoning.Listen to both sides of the story, then maybe you can meet in the middle.