What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ?

including weight, hair and any behaviour... Thanks !because my pppy is losing hair and weighs only 14kg... not sure if he is normal... but he eats a lot (around 800g per day). Can anyone help ?

    What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ?

    including weight, hair and any behaviour... Thanks !because my pppy is losing hair and weighs only 14kg... not sure if he is normal... but he eats a lot (around 800g per day). Can anyone help ?...
    General Dog Discussions : What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ?...

    • What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ?

      What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ? General Dog Discussions
      including weight, hair and any behaviour... Thanks !because my pppy is losing hair and weighs only 14kg... not sure if he is normal... but he eats a lot (around 800g per day). Can anyone help ?

      What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ?

      What are the main characteristics of a 4 months old Great Pyrenees ? General Dog Discussions
    • What? Is this for a school report? If not, why four months? They're only four months for about thirty one days, you know. If you're planning on ownership you need to ask about characteristics in general.

    • What country are you in?Is she a pure breed pyr?What was her mother's weight?What was her father's weight?I'm in the U.S. and pyrs in the EU are somewhat different. 14 to 18kg would be about normal in weight for age 4 months. If you're just finishing winter, now is when she should shed her coat and you need to get what's called a rake to comb the loose hair out. Pyrs shed twice a year as they change from winter to summer coat, and from summer to winter coat. It's hard to know what to say on the food as you didn't say if you're feeding kibble, raw or wet canned dog food. The dog food container tells you how much to feed a dog each day and it's determined by the dog's weight.You ALSO didn't say if you are feeding her large breed puppy food. You are supposed to do that as other foods don't have the right nutrients for a large breed dog. You should be feeding her 3 times a day at this age. This is when they grow really fast. She also needs puppy shots starting at age 4 to 6 weeks, and repeating the shot every 4 weeks till she's 14 months of age. If you haven't gotten her shots, she could get diseases like Parvo that can kill a puppy pretty quickly. You should have had her to the vet for shots recently and should have asked your vet these questions.With a pyr, if you can just feel the ribs, and the dog is active, then the dog's weight is right. Just remember that puppies, because they are growing rapidly, may be playful, but also sleep a lot.You should also talk to the breeder you bought her from and discuss these questions. The breeder is already familiar with the breed, and you are not. You also need to get a book on Great Pyrenees and also a book on raising and training your puppies. You can also learn a lot by joining a Great Pyrenees group at Yahoo. And you can do a google search for Great Pyrenees Breed Traits and find a lot of websites that will help you learn about your dog. You need to read a LOT and learn a lot. You also need to learn how to be Alpha Pack Leader. If you don't do this, you're in for trouble.