Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ?

What will it do to him/her ? I have heard its because they are allergic to chocolate, is that true. Or is it just not good for their health ?

    Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ?

    What will it do to him/her ? I have heard its because they are allergic to chocolate, is that true. Or is it just not good for their health ?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ?...

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    • Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ?

      Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ? General Dog Discussions
      What will it do to him/her ? I have heard its because they are allergic to chocolate, is that true. Or is it just not good for their health ?

      Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ?

      Why do they say never to feed your dog chocolate ? General Dog Discussions
    • Here is a good explanation as to why not only chocolate is bad for your dog but several other foods can be dangerous also.http://www.vetinfo.com/dtoxin.html

    • Chocolate is a dogs poison. Letting your dog get into a bag of M'n'Ms is like letting your baby get into a bottle of bleach. Think about that for a minute. Now, do you REALLY want to let your dog have chocolate?

    • The theobromine in chocolate is toxic to dogs.The other poster stating she feeds her husky snickers is probably lucky because her dog is a big breed dog. If she were a puppy, she may be going to a puppy funeral and if she gets into a big bag of snickers, may be a doggy funeral.

    • Chocolate contains theobromine - the darker the chocolate the more theobromine it has. This chemical is toxic to dogs. Theobromine effects the nervous system and a high enough dose can cause seizures and death in dogs. A toxic dose can be as little as 2oz of baking chocolate for a small dog. A little bit of milk chocolate here and there usually won't cause a problem except to turn your dog into a chocolate addict - which is not a good idea. Dog chocolate is safe as it has no theobromine in it.

    • its poisonous. but. for some reason, everything that is "poisonous" to dogs, has never killed my dogs, or even made them sick. a little bit of chocolate, even onions i have never had a problem with. Just be careful

    • It contains a stimulant similar to caffeine called theobromine.In high enough doses this chemical can cause severe effects including death.In lower doses chocolate will probably cause some digestive upset stomach such as diarrhea and maybe even vomiting.