I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

My 35 pound puggle might have ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half of a hershey kiss that was left on the table. He seems fine. I've heard a lot of different thing on dogs and chocolate. Just wanted things cleared up.

    I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

    My 35 pound puggle might have ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half of a hershey kiss that was left on the table. He seems fine. I've heard a lot of different thing on dogs and chocolate. Just wanted things cleared up....
    General Dog Discussions : I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?...

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    • I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

      I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.? General Dog Discussions
      My 35 pound puggle might have ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half of a hershey kiss that was left on the table. He seems fine. I've heard a lot of different thing on dogs and chocolate. Just wanted things cleared up.

      I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

      I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.? General Dog Discussions
    • my dogs have ate plenty of chocolate cookies or whatever they can steal from the kids, and they are still alive. Dont worry unless it's large quantities, and even then, it will only result in alot of diarrhea.

    • yes chocolate is verry bad for dogs its like a human have a heart attack almost and it could even kill your dog, but the first thing i would do is go to the vet and explain what happend and maybe they could help you out, I am sorry if I scard you with my answer but its true good luck

    • They have to eat a great deal of chocolate for it to be toxic to them. Half of a cookie and half of a kiss isn't going to do anything except maybe make him a little hyper.The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration.On average,Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz.Semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/oz.Baker's chocolate 390mg/oz.Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as:1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate can cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will only cause digestive problems. Clinical SignsXanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. It has a diuretic effect as well. Clinical signs: Hyper excitability Hyper irritability Increased heart rate Restlessness Increased urination Muscle tremors Vomiting DiarrheaTreatmentThere is no specific antidote for this poisoning. And the half life of the toxin is 17.5 hours in dogs. Induce vomiting in the first 1-2 hours if the quantity is unknown. Administering activated charcoal may inhibit absorption of the toxin. An anticonvulsant might be indicated if neurological signs are present and needs to be controlled. Oxygen therapy, intravenous medications, and fluids might be needed to protect the heart.Milk chocolate will often cause diarrhea 12-24 hours after ingestion. This should be treated symptomatically (fluids, etc..) to prevent dehydration.

    • Well I would say he should be fine because he isn't acting strangly. Some dogs don't die from chocolate. My 16 pound palmaranian/chiwawa mix has eaten a couple bars herself, she seems fine as well. But if you notice your dog do anything strange or unusual you may want to contact the vet.

    • If your dog only ate a small amount of chocolate, then I don't think there will be a lot to worry about.However, I would suggest that you keep a close eye on your dog, just to be sure.If you suspect your dog has eaten too much chocolate, then I would suggest you take your dog to the vet.Good luck and I hope I helped!

    • Chocolate in large quantities is toxic to dogs. Milk chocolate is less toxic. It takes a fairly large amount to cause a toxic reaction although there are variables such as concentration and pet size. All that being said, your dog may experience some digestive problems but will most likely be alright. We have to be careful about what we leave out (I have a little dog too and she puts anything on the floor in her mouth), many dogs die from home accidents.

    • Well, you learned your lesson, huh? No leaving treats on the table where your dog can reach them! Just like kids. Anyway, for the amount your dog weighs versus the amount of chocolate, the dog will be ok. If he has an allergy to it, you will notice within an hour or less. Otherwise, he will just pass it. The chocolate is really only bad if there are allergies or if the dog eats a lot. Having a lot of it can cause seizures or coma, but he would have had to eat much more than that.

    • Dogs have to eat their weight in chocolate before any real harm is done to them.Baking chocolate on the other hand is toxic because the cocoa content is much higher.Just watch your pup for the next day or 2 but he should be fine.