American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over?

I don't see any fleas or ticks at all. He only has some small scabs on his head.

    American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over?

    I don't see any fleas or ticks at all. He only has some small scabs on his head....
    General Dog Discussions : American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over?...

    • American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over?

      American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over? General Dog Discussions
      I don't see any fleas or ticks at all. He only has some small scabs on his head.

      American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over?

      American bulldog puppys appetite has decreased and is itching all over? General Dog Discussions
    • Please contact vet. Am Bulldogs are prone to skin conditions,allergies...could be 2 separate isssues or food allergy could cause decrease in appetite. Decrease in appetite could be a symptom of anything else ..intestinal parasites or disease process. could even be a picky eater. You need to consult the vet. Good luck, hope it is nothing serious.