I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them?

I just found my dog with chocolate wrappers all around him (like a child!) and realised that he had eaten half a block of chocolate, which would come to about 120 grams. How will this harm him and what should I do?

    I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them?

    I just found my dog with chocolate wrappers all around him (like a child!) and realised that he had eaten half a block of chocolate, which would come to about 120 grams. How will this harm him and what should I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them?...

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    • I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them?

      I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them? General Dog Discussions
      I just found my dog with chocolate wrappers all around him (like a child!) and realised that he had eaten half a block of chocolate, which would come to about 120 grams. How will this harm him and what should I do?

      I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them?

      I know chocolate is bad for dogs, but can it eventually kill them? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes it could kill him.You need to make him throw up. Dissolve as much salt as possible into some warm water and force him to drink as much as possible. He should throw up beautifully all over the place!

    • Chocolate contains theobromine, which is a naturally-occurring molecule found in the cocoa beans, coffee, tea, and cola and is related to caffeine.What makes it poisonous for dogs and not humans is the fact that dogs are unable to metabolize the chemical effectively. If they are fed chocolate, the theobromine will remain in their bloodstream for up to 20 hours.Here's a link of the complete article to give you more information.http://eijujap.notlong.com

    • sorri it can sometimes or not im only 10 but mi dead dog his name was chocoalte chip he had chocolate cookies douants a bar all cohlate idk how it happen i think his name but i don't know how he got neck cancer and we had 2 get put down ;( so i think so