How do i train my blind puppy from biting?

I have a 6 wk male blind chihuahua/yorkie who also suffers from vestibular disease, i have already taken him to the vet and he is going to be able to live a long healthy life. in the past few days he has learned to bite and gets so hyper and tries to…

    How do i train my blind puppy from biting?

    I have a 6 wk male blind chihuahua/yorkie who also suffers from vestibular disease, i have already taken him to the vet and he is going to be able to live a long healthy life. in the past few days he has learned to bite and gets so hyper and tries to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do i train my blind puppy from biting?...

    • How do i train my blind puppy from biting?

      How do i train my blind puppy from biting? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 6 wk male blind chihuahua/yorkie who also suffers from vestibular disease, i have already taken him to the vet and he is going to be able to live a long healthy life. in the past few days he has learned to bite and gets so hyper and tries to bite us when we pick him up and it sometimes draws blood. we tried the saying ouch or owe in a sharp voice and not playing rough or tug a war but he wont give up! Idk what to do? i cant find anything on the internet with his issues and a way to fix/train him.

      How do i train my blind puppy from biting?

      How do i train my blind puppy from biting? General Dog Discussions
    • this is a odd case. usually dogs pick up certain hand movements and wiggly fingers as if they are something fun to bight, and you have to tell them "No!" and point a finger at them, but this case he cant see so I am not soo sure why he is going after your fingers. I would say the best thing right now is to get him some chew toys. chew toys would probably give him something to be busy with and ease him. he could also be teething and really needing to bight down on stuff. Also exercise is a big key too. If you walk him a lot he will probably feel less jittery.Also, I want to congratulate you on your new dog! and bravo for getting a dog that is some what a handful! I would love to take care of a blind dog. it is a lot of work but I would feel so happy at the end of the day that I gave him the love he truly deserves that most people would be too lazy to keep up with.