What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach?

She has been having almost liquid poohs. I can't take her to the vet untilTuesday, what can I giver her to make her poohs more solid until than?

    What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach?

    She has been having almost liquid poohs. I can't take her to the vet untilTuesday, what can I giver her to make her poohs more solid until than?...
    General Dog Discussions : What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach?...

    • What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach?

      What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach? General Dog Discussions
      She has been having almost liquid poohs. I can't take her to the vet untilTuesday, what can I giver her to make her poohs more solid until than?

      What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach?

      What can I give my puppy to help settle her stomach? General Dog Discussions
    • cook up some chicken and rice and feed her that instead of dog food. If you have any worming medicine on hand, give her some. Puppies tend to get worms regularly, and this could be the problem if you haven't wormed her recently. cw

    • Very plain food such as cooked chicken breast (oven or grilled) chopped up small with a little rice. Or ready break with goats milk, not cows milk as most dogs are intolerant to cows milk. Make sure lots of fresh water,could boil then cooling the water as it might be a change in the water that's causing it. Another thing could be the puppy eatting the food to quickly,depending on the size pit a tennis or golf ball in the bowl this should help slow the eatting down as they have to move the ball around the bowl to eat. Don't feed your dog any scraps,even if better still take to vet to make sure ok

    • In addition to the suggestions above... Plain canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix) works wonders for a dog's bowels, whether it's diarrhea or constipation. It helps calm their stomach and regulate them... It's actually the first thing that my vet recommended years ago when my dog was having issues.