Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat?

If it is then what causes it to be toxic for animals b/c I've heard that it is toxic to other animals as well. I didn't feed any to my dogs, but I'm just curious cause I've seen dogs eat chocolate b4 and they were perfectly fine. Thanks!

    Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat?

    If it is then what causes it to be toxic for animals b/c I've heard that it is toxic to other animals as well. I didn't feed any to my dogs, but I'm just curious cause I've seen dogs eat chocolate b4 and they were perfectly fine. Thanks!...
    General Dog Discussions : Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat?...

    • Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat?

      Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat? General Dog Discussions
      If it is then what causes it to be toxic for animals b/c I've heard that it is toxic to other animals as well. I didn't feed any to my dogs, but I'm just curious cause I've seen dogs eat chocolate b4 and they were perfectly fine. Thanks!

      Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat?

      Is chocolate really toxic for dogs to eat? General Dog Discussions
    • well my dog ate a whole bag of M & Ms and he has been fine. He is a toy breed but he is to this day a healthy dog. Don't risk it though. I didn't feed my dog M &Ms he jumped on the table and ate them so dont try it.

    • It is the amount. If there is a large amount then yes!It is poisonous and toxic to animals and depending on the amount and how big the dog is the dog can actually die.Also every dog is different.

    • Its bullshit unless it eats a lot. Just like if u ate too much you'd be sick. I heard dark chocolate was worse for them but I've seen plenty of dogs eat bits of normal chocolate and be fine!

    • Chocolate contains a stimulant called theobromine. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause the dog to want more and snap at any opportunity to take some chocolate from you. Some chocolates have more theobromine than others. It affects the dogs nervous system and heart muscle and absolutely can make your dog sick or even kill it.

    • The worst a Hershey bar can do to you is add an inch to your hips. But that same candy – even in relatively small amounts – can make a dog very sick. Make no mistake: For them, chocolate is poison. In addition to a high fat content, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, two different types of stimulants that affect the central nervous system and the heart muscle, as well as increasing the frequency of urination. Symptoms of PoisoningIf your 50-pound dog gets his paws on a single chocolate-chip cookie, it probably won't cause him serious problems. However, if he gobbles up more – a pan of brownies, say – he may develop vomiting or diarrhea. Once toxic levels are reached, the stimulants kick in, and this is when you really have to worry. Symptoms include: restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination and/or excessive panting.

    • That I know of any dairy based will be harmful to your dog. But it all depends on how much is given. My mom gives my dogs cheese every once in a while in the morning and they are fine. But one time the dogs like yanked the bag of cheese from her. He ended up puking and having diarrhea for like 3 days.

    • I believe it depends on the type of chocolate it is on how toxic it is to the dog. Some dogs seem to be able to tolerate milk chocolate o.k. as they eat it and never get sick. Just to be safe, I would make sure your dog stays away from it altogether.

    • Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs.Another fact that must be considered is this: Not all chocolate is the same. Some has a small amount of theobromine; another type has a large amount and still another contains an amount that is somewhere in between. The quantity has a relationship with the weight of your dog. Small dogs can be poisoned, it is easy to understand, from smaller amounts of theobromine than large dogs.To answer the question is not simple. The health and age of your dog must be considered. Obviously if your dog is aged and not in top shape, his reaction to a plate of chocolate is going to be different from a young healthy dog of the same are some sites with more info

    • Yup,You might see fine dogs today who had chocolate but truth is thats like saying you saw someone jump off a building and think its ok since they were fine.Bakers chocolate is the worst but mainly any chocolate.No chocolate for dogs please!

    • Chocolate is very toxic to dogs. It contains theobromine which is also in caffeine. It causes increased heart rate, irritability, muscle tremors, increased urination, diarrhea, vomiting and death in severe cases.It depends on the size of the dog, as to how much chocolate it would take to reach toxic levels. The bigger the dog the more chocolate it would take to harm a dog.Also, the kind of chocolate determines how much it would take for it to be toxic for a dog. Milk chocolate is not as toxic as dark chocolate. Also, baker's chocolate is more toxic because it contains more theobromine than the milk chocolates.So, if a dog eats an M&M, or a Hershey's Kiss, it would not harm your dog, except it could upset their stomach. It's just best to not give your dog any kind of chocolate. It's toxic and not good for dogs in any amount.Best of luck. Hope I helped.