What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ?

Obviously he's getting treatment, but i just wonder if there are any long term effects of receiving insulin.

    What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ?

    Obviously he's getting treatment, but i just wonder if there are any long term effects of receiving insulin....
    General Dog Discussions : What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ?...

    • What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ?

      What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ? General Dog Discussions
      Obviously he's getting treatment, but i just wonder if there are any long term effects of receiving insulin.

      What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ?

      What are some of the long term effects of diabetes on dogs? ? General Dog Discussions
    • Depending on how high the diabetes are in your dog, the insulin should help he/she live a little longer. It also helps the dog's sugar levels stay out of whack. That's really what will happen with the insulin.Meanwhile diabetes in general, expect your dog to drink a lot more water than it usually does. I don't know if your dog might do this but also be prepared because their bladders get weaker. Avoid much table scraps and your vet can recommend certain dog foods to help your dog not digest so much sugar. The only reason I know this is because I had a Chesapeake Bay Retriever who was diagnosed with diabetes in 2002 and had to work with it until 2006 when we finally let her rest (plus old age caught up). Oh heads up too your dog will have a very high chance of getting cataracts. My dog got them within 2 months of being diagnosed. Do you use the special dog insulin? (I ask because some vets believe human insulin works best but it really doesn't) I really hope the best for you and your dog. It's a long road ahead but your dog knows you are helping him/her =)