What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

    What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

    What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?...
    General Dog Discussions : What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?...

    • What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

      What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes? General Dog Discussions
      What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

      What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes?

      What are some deadly diseases for puppies and how does a puppy get diabetes? General Dog Discussions
    • parvo, rabies, distemper, heart worm (all can be prevented with proper vaccines.I don't know a lot about canine diabetes, but I do about human diabetes (Daughter ,type 1, Husband and Father, Grandmother type 2). There are two types, type 1 is caused by the T cells shutting down and not producing insulin at all. It used to be called Juvenal diabetes. It normal requires insulin injections but can be controlled with exercise (extreme amounts). One year my daughter went to diabetes came, lots of activity, (they took her off the insuline) She came home and went to band camp, then did soccer and marching band practice twice a day once school started. We had her checking her blood sugar 6 times a day to make sure it wasn't spiking at some point. She stayed off the insulin through football and soccer seasons. Once they were over she just could not stay active enough to stay off it and had to go back to it. Type #2, usually over weight and a high carb diet, It can be controlled with diet and exercise (my dad has done it, it's hard work) my husband and grandmother have not been able to do so.Is it really a puppy or an adult dog. If a puppy most likely a genetic defect, an adult dog diet and exercise might help. The best answers will come from talking to your vet.Diabetes is not a deadly diseases, my daughter was diagnosed at 12, she is now 36 and has a 12 year old son, my husband has had it for 10 years, my dad is 72 had has had it for 6 years. My Grandmother was diagnosed at 65, she lived to 82, and died from heart failure. It is a chronic diseases, but not deadly with treatment.I once had a dog that had diabetes, she was about 8 when diagnosed, lived to 16. She had a long happy life.