Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement?

My dog is a 1 1/2 y/o male (fixed) golden retriever and will not stop going on the floor when someone comes home from work or someone stops by the house, it's getting really annoying will this ever stop?

    Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement?

    My dog is a 1 1/2 y/o male (fixed) golden retriever and will not stop going on the floor when someone comes home from work or someone stops by the house, it's getting really annoying will this ever stop?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement?...

    • Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement?

      Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement? General Dog Discussions
      My dog is a 1 1/2 y/o male (fixed) golden retriever and will not stop going on the floor when someone comes home from work or someone stops by the house, it's getting really annoying will this ever stop?

      Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement?

      Will my dog ever stop peeing on the floor out of excitement? General Dog Discussions
    • I saw a show called It's me or the Dog, where the dog, Jimi, had this problem (this is one of the shows in the UK series). The dog peed on the floor when his owner came in. Victoria had the owner come in and ignore the dog. Then when he was in and the dig calmed down, he gave him a litte attention. It worked for them. The episode was with Jimi and Duke, I think, but I know the "peeing" dog was called Jimi :) Good luck.

    • It just depends on the dog. Some dogs grow out of it whereas others may not. It is sometimes referred to as submissive urination. In the meantime, there are things you can do to limit the occurrences. Check out my source, it has a great section about what you can do as the dog owner. Just remember to be patient. I know it is annoying but it isn't the dogs fault anymore than bed wetting is a child's. It is just a psychological thing that they cannot control. The first thing you need to do is to take your dog to the vet to make sure there isn't a health reason behind this issue. I took my boy to the vet and was told that he had a compulsive need to drink water. He was drinking way more water than a dog his size needed. It was just a psychological thing like the submissive urination.. He would drink too much water. When excited his little puppy bladder couldn't hold it anymore and he would leave trails 20 feet across my living room. He has grown out of it and a lot of other bad puppy behaviors. He did it from the time I brought him home until about 3 months ago. He is a year and half old. Hope this helps.