What happenes when your dog eats chocolate?

My dog accidentally got into some chocolate but I dont really know how much. What should I do?

    What happenes when your dog eats chocolate?

    My dog accidentally got into some chocolate but I dont really know how much. What should I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : What happenes when your dog eats chocolate?...

    • What happenes when your dog eats chocolate?

      What happenes when your dog eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      My dog accidentally got into some chocolate but I dont really know how much. What should I do?

      What happenes when your dog eats chocolate?

      What happenes when your dog eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • I have always head that chocolate was very bad for dogs, but our's ate a box of "turtles" when she was young. She didn't have any reaction that we could tell, but we have made sure that she hasn't eaten any since. She might have been OK since she is a 70# hound dog.

    • Take it to the vet. A dog can get toxicity from the chocolate, depending on how much he ate and how big he is. I would take him to the vet if you see any vomiting or anything else!!

    • Chocolate is very toxic to dogs, as the caffeine in it. The darker the chocolate, the worse it is for your dog. If you are anware of the amount, and especially if you have a smaller breed, I would contact your vet or the emergency service.You can (and probably should) induce vomiting. You can do this by pouring a small amount of hydrogen peroxide down your dog's throat. For smaller dogs, use a teaspoon - larger dogs; a tablespoon. Wait 15 minutes. If your dog does not vomit, repeat. Please, do not take mine or anyone else's veterinary suggestions for truth, and call your vet just to confirm before you do it. However, the more time you waste, the harder it will be on your dog. If it is a large amount, you may want to be seen tonight anyway for activated charcoal, etc to disable more absorbtion of the chocolate.

    • If you know the maximum amount she could have eaten and the type of chocolate, then consider the size of your dog. Use this site to determine if what your dog ate could be toxic:http://www.laurelwoodpetclinic.com/chocolatetoxicity.htmlCall an Emergency clinic or a poison control center if the type and amount plus size of your dog is a concern!http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pro_apccI had a GSD that ate a whole bag of chocolate (mostly milk chocolate- the mini bars) and she was fine. An acquaintance had a small Maltese that died after eating eight pieces of Dove dark chocolate.